Ok, while I'm uploading some few pictures (perhaps videos also), I'll make a short review of Orphaned Land concert... If I'm able to do that! I'm too excited yet!
First of all... I'm sorry to say that (sorry for Therion, I mean), but I'm pretty sure this one has been the best concert I've lived or, at least, the one I enjoyed most. I was almost in extasis

As you may know, I were there by my own, and I will never regret that! As some off man said, it's a fantastic experience!!!! Perhaps it helped that I was able to be in the very first row, in the very front of Kobi and very near Yossi. You'll see in the pictures! If I wanted I could touch Kobi's naked feet (thing I didn't do, of course

). Although during half concert I was half a step far from the stage, I finally went forward and I was touching the wood of it

Yes, I was VERY NEAR
They played a lot of the last album songs (almost all, I think, although I don't have the setlist), The Neverending Way of ORWarriOR. The first one of the album was "Sapari", and I can't tell how much I enjoyed it... I like a lot this song

The band was fantastic in their performance all the concert, very talkative with us. Kobi had learnt some sentence in Spanish, and he was able to say in Spanish that he was smelling some joint (I was too

), and kidded asking for some of it. Weird thing to ask or a band that, instead of the traditional beer as something drinkable on the stage, had all water... or lemonade. First time I see such a strange beverage in a metal concert

Well... they played almost all the last album songs, some of the previous classic ones, we jumped, we sang, we cried, we shout, we danced... and finally they left the stage. Of course, bises were needed, and they did the best ones to play: first, Beloved's Cry (some guy near me was asking for it), and after that, and last song of the night... El Norra Alila. I wanted to record that song, but when Kobi asked us to jump, I swhiched off my camera, and started to jump higher than ever (still today I'm very tired of that jumping

). I think I lost 2 or 3 kilos from that song...
Before leaving the stage, with lights already on, they signed some albums to who asked for that, Yossi shook hands with everybody rising his/her hand (me, for instance), and finally left. A very nice concert I will ever remember

I know I'm not good making reviews... I can't see them in a dispassionate way, and I tend to write a mess... I can't help it!!
Well... I'll post the pictures soon... Has any of you gone to a concert with a singer dressed only with a white tunic (and I'm pretty sure it was the only thing he was wearing)? Well... I've seen