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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #240 on: May 08, 2010, 06:19:31 am »
And the last one!!! Discicples of the Sacred Oath II!
I love this song. I'm currently trying to fit some learning of it between my tight school schedule.
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #241 on: May 08, 2010, 08:38:44 am »
Well, it's the first one in which Kobi massively sings in Arabic... It's really a good song, and you can see it's fantastically played  :biggrin:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #242 on: May 08, 2010, 03:16:04 pm »
Love that song too! And Luth why did you stop recording at the best part?!  ;D

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #243 on: May 08, 2010, 04:01:54 pm »
Well, it's the first one in which Kobi massively sings in Arabic... It's really a good song, and you can see it's fantastically played  :biggrin:
And I can in fact transliterate that part for you so you can sing along and sound like the chants from the mosques I hear in my neighborhood 4 times a day. :whistle:

Allahu nouru A'samuaat wa Al-Aradd, mathalu nourihi kamishka feeha misbah.
Yahadee Allah lanourai man yeeshaeh wayaddurb Allah Al-amthal lilanas wa Allah bikul shaee A'aleem
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 04:28:27 pm by The One »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #244 on: May 08, 2010, 04:21:21 pm »
When I was in Israel, it was a bit annoying to wake up at 4 a.m. because of the singing. :lol:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #245 on: May 08, 2010, 04:49:01 pm »
I'm happy my sleep is heavy enough so I don't hear the 4am call to prayer.
But I do hear the other 4.
This totally reminds me of history class the other day, the teacher (an atheist American) decided to pick up a copy of the Qu'ran with a translation in English and began reading it silently in the middle of class while we were filling out some evaluation sheet. A few seconds after he began, the chants from the nearby mosque could be heard. Someone mentioned "all that's missing now is that some divine light makes him levitate". :lol3:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #246 on: May 10, 2010, 01:01:36 am »
And what does that Arabian passage mean, Jorge?

Anyway, that classroom-scene is very funny, but the fact that this god demands people to get up at 4 a.m. clearly proves that he is evil!


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #247 on: May 10, 2010, 01:38:28 pm »
Well, I only know the meaning of the words "Allah" (God), "Nour" (Light), "wa" (and), "A'samauaat" (The skies, heavens) "Al-aradd" (the earth) and "bikul shaee" (of all things) from that whole passage. Aside from my limited vocabulary, it is in the Arabic used in the Qu'ran. While not being too different from the modern standard Arabic, Arabic in the Qu'ran has many words that hold different layers of meaning and is bound to being interpreted in many ways.

The Orphaned Land site gives this translation for that passage:
Allah is the light of heavens and earth, his light is like a blessed niche that needs no fire to set ablaze.
Allah guides to his light those who find him in their hearts, and sets forth parables for mankind,
Allah is cognizant of all.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 01:40:34 pm by The One »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #248 on: May 12, 2010, 12:17:53 pm »
My plan for this year:

07.06. Ljubljana - Deep Purple(ticket safely at home)

29.06. Ljubljana - Megadeth(ticket safely at friends)

06.07. Ljubljana - ORQUESTA BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB ® FEATURING OMARA PORTUONDO (don't have the ticket yet, because I probably will be at some other place at the time)

05.07. -10.07. Tolmin - FESTIVAL METALCAMP (ticket in process of getting booked)

06. 09. Ljubljana - Placebo (this is almost certain I'm there.. hope to have money for this too)


16.10. Wien - Blind Guardian

20.11. Ljubljana - Amorphis

Perhaps ( just thinking of it, but I don't think I'll be able to go)

13.06. Ljubljana - Bob Dylan
24.06. Ljubljana - Billy Idol

 So as you are reading this.. you must know... I am completely BROKE already... I think that at the end of summer I will have to say goodbye to Greece and Barcelona.. But gods on earth what a year to come! :D
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #249 on: June 13, 2010, 11:15:18 pm »
Hi folks,

it's me again with a classical show: The final concert of the Handel-Festival 2010 in Handel's birthtown, my hometown. I rate it 8/10...

I think the show was shorter than last year, only 1 1/2 hours. They had no soprano soloist which is a minus because I'm fond of sopranos. :biggrin: They played an excerpt from the Symphony Nr. 2 by Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and the "Te Deum for the Peace of Dettingen" by Handel. The choir did very well - excellent timing! - and so did the Staatskapelle (State Orchestra) Halle. Both pieces were fine but somehow failed to really touch me.

But the Music for the Royal Fireworks made up for everything I felt was lacking up to that. This one is traditionally played at the end of the final concert together with big fireworks. The orchestra played the later parts of this suite first and kept the ouverture for last. I understood why: The played the later parts without fireworks so you can hear the subleties, and subtleties there were! What a vivid, expressive, distinguished playing - the very definition of utter brilliancy. The ouverture came last, together with the fireworks. Those were not very well synchronised with the music. Why did they burn some loud crackling fireworks during the softest passage of the ouverture? Why were the fireworks not in time with the beat of the music? But there were some impressive effects - golden comets rising up, wild whirling white sparks, wide fans of rising white lights that turned red. For some reason they kept fireworking after the music was over, made a short break and then did some more fireworks while the artist packed their instruments hastily.

So you see that there were some flaws IMHO, but still it was a very fine evening - and it was perhaps the best interpretation of the Music for the Royal Fireworks I've ever heard, perhaps the best one ever played.  :wink2:



P.S.: I'll never understand, though, why there was a sign saying "Do not feed!" stuck to the piano. :blink:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #250 on: June 17, 2010, 04:00:49 pm »
Hi, all

I finally have a reason to post here  :lol:
A couple of weeks ago me and my friend went to Budapest to attend Metalfest Open Air Hungary. Except the fact that it was raining the first two days (the third one it didn't, luckily) and that we both caught a pretty bad cold, it was great! It was the first time that I ever went to a metal concert in fact, and what's more, I got to see a bunch of them right away :D ! As we didn't manage to see Eluveitie because we were travelling more than it was planned ( :( ) the only band we saw on Friday were Deathstars. They were great live, and I enjoyed every second of it, except for the one when some girl that was trying to get to the first row almost broke my rib -.-' I also took pictures with them, I might post them up later. On Saturday we saw Finntroll (everyone went balistic when they played Trollhammaren, jee, I wonder why xD), they were so much fun, quite a good show. We also saw Dalriada, which is a Hungarian folk metal band, I hadn't heard of them before the show, but my friend obviously had and so she bought all of their cds and took a picture with the vocalist. Oh, she also bought herself a Dalriada t-shirt. And then on Sunday we went to see Korpiklaani (folk metal concerts are so happy and fun  :lol: ) and afterwards Amon Amarth, which made my neck quite sore  :lol: We got to hear Deicide and Nevermore and Sabaton from the tent where they had food and all, but we weren't really in front of the stage, so I dunno if it counts.  :lol: We also heard a bit of Inis Mona while we were waiting in the row to buy tickets (oh, sorrow!!), and that's about it. As for the people, they were all so nice (except for the above mentioned girl -.-'), I loved them! I forgot how much I love the company of metal folks  :lol:

All in all, quite a great experience!
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #251 on: June 17, 2010, 07:21:00 pm »
Wow! Seems like you had one seriously funny time! :thumbup:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #252 on: June 17, 2010, 09:56:26 pm »
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that we couldn't meet. :(

P. S.: Dalriada is fun indeed! :lol:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #253 on: June 17, 2010, 10:19:11 pm »
Heya guys!
Nice couple of reviews. I'm really jealous of your classic show Markus. The Royal Fireworks is one of faves Handel's pieces. The last time I "heard" that one live I was in Canada in a fireworks festival, and guess what? I couldn't hear half of the piece because of the noise of the fireworks :nosweat: (sounds like a commonplace doesn't it?)
Mysti: Yep, it looks you did have a wonderful time. Finntroll are indeed amazing live. Too bad you missed Eluveitie. They are quiet good too.

All right, my turn. Almost two weeks ago I had the chance to attend my second show in Tenoch-metal. It was a rather unknown Swedish band called Therion. Don't ask who they are, 'cause they are really underground stuff.
The show was wonderful, except for to rather minor technical problems. The setlist and the sound were almost spotless and the crowd was glorious (man, how I missed the warm Latin American crowds in this kind of shows!).
Just from the very first notes (they started with Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah) I said to myself: "Man, that was a very well spent money!" The whole setlist was something like this:

Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah
The Perennial Sophia
Seven Secrets of the Sphinx
Wine of Aluqah
Son of the Sun
Flesh of the Gods (I don't know what they did on this one, but it was THE SONG of the show imho)
Birth of Venus Illegitima
Der Mitternachtslöwe
Invocation of Naamah
Ginnungagap (intro)... technical problems
Presentation of the band (Snowy and Thomas joking...)
Kali Yuga 3
The Khlysti Evangelist
Cults of the Shadow
Son of the Staves of time
To Mega Therion
The Blood of Kingu
Summernight City (they actually re-named it Mexico City just us :biggrin: )

Sooo... quiet eager to see them back in October :yeha:
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 07:45:29 pm by Aluqak »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #254 on: June 18, 2010, 07:25:49 pm »
Hey Alu,

now I am the one who is envying you! Especially because the rumour goes that many of these songs will not be played live again for quite a while. But you surely deserve it! :biggrin:

What does "Play Video" mean in the setlist? And what about Ginnungagap: Did they cancel after the intro due to technical problems and try again later? Or did they play the intro and then the whole song again? Or did the play the intro and then continue the song later?


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #255 on: June 18, 2010, 07:41:00 pm »
now I am the one who is envying you! Especially because the rumour goes that many of these songs will not be played live again for quite a while.
Yep, that was Christopher said after the show. It seems that they won't be playing some of those songs live for a while. :(

What does "Play Video" mean in the setlist?
Oh crap!... that's what happens when you copy-paste a setlist from another place and don't take enough time to edit it :nosweat: (I have corrected it now)

And what about Ginnungagap: Did they cancel after the intro due to technical problems and try again later? Or did they play the intro and then the whole song again? Or did the play the intro and then continue the song later?
The song started normally, but after a minute or so (just when the drums kick in and the song really takes off) they had to stop it due to some technical problems with the drums (don't ask me the details, I don't know a thing about drums :blush: ). They waited for a minute or two and then decided to play Lemuria, while the guys from the crew were fixing everything. Luckily for us, they succeeded and the show went on normally until the end. Oh! and they played the complete version of Ginnungagap afterwards.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 07:45:50 pm by Aluqak »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #256 on: June 18, 2010, 07:43:29 pm »
Thank you for sharing, Alu! I'm glad you had such a great concert. And "Mexico City" must have been big fun.


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #257 on: June 18, 2010, 11:01:59 pm »
@Lucy: I'm sorry too :( ah well, next time.

@Alu: aaargh, you lucky man! I envy you, therion are the last band I want to see live. and then I can die happy :lol3:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #258 on: June 19, 2010, 09:10:43 am »
AAAAAAAARG!!!!! Why am I in this side of the pond?  :ninja:

I don't envy only... I only would have killed you if I had time in order to disguise and impersonate you!!!  :ninja:

Any picture or video available?  :blush:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #259 on: June 19, 2010, 09:36:30 am »
AAAAAAAARG!!!!! Why am I in this side of the pond?  :ninja:
You're lucky enough to have Therion in your country this year ;_;
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