Heya guys!
Nice couple of reviews. I'm really jealous of your classic show Markus. The Royal Fireworks is one of faves Handel's pieces. The last time I "heard" that one live I was in Canada in a fireworks festival, and guess what? I couldn't hear half of the piece because of the noise of the fireworks

(sounds like a commonplace doesn't it?)
Mysti: Yep, it looks you did have a wonderful time. Finntroll are indeed amazing live. Too bad you missed Eluveitie. They are quiet good too.
All right, my turn. Almost two weeks ago I had the chance to attend my second show in Tenoch-metal. It was a rather unknown Swedish band called Therion. Don't ask who they are, 'cause they are really underground stuff.
The show was wonderful, except for to rather minor technical problems. The setlist and the sound were almost spotless and the crowd was glorious (man, how I missed the warm Latin American crowds in this kind of shows!).
Just from the very first notes (they started with Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah) I said to myself: "Man, that was a very well spent money!" The whole setlist was something like this:
Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah
The Perennial Sophia
Seven Secrets of the Sphinx
Wine of Aluqah
Son of the Sun
Flesh of the Gods (I don't know what they did on this one, but it was THE SONG of the show imho)
Birth of Venus Illegitima
Der Mitternachtslöwe
Invocation of Naamah
Ginnungagap (intro)... technical problems
Presentation of the band (Snowy and Thomas joking...)
Kali Yuga 3
The Khlysti Evangelist
Cults of the Shadow
Son of the Staves of time
To Mega Therion
The Blood of Kingu
Summernight City (they actually re-named it Mexico City just us

Sooo... quiet eager to see them back in October