It's time to write about my concerts in March

I wanted to go to see Paradise Lost and Samael concert in February cause I missed Samael last year so now this was a chance + they played with Paradise Lost that I just recently before the concert started to like BUT then I read that Bloodhound Gang will be in Zagreb March 16th and two days after that Rammstein which I also wanted to see so this was a great chance to see both band and to stay a few days in Zagreb with my friends that study there so I decided to save money for Rammstein and Bloodhound Gang and to miss Samael again. And I have to say it was well worth it.
Tuesday - I went to Zagreb alone, brought my stuff to a friend's place, she lives so near bus station

Then I called deathdancer and we went to drink some beer since we hadn't seen each other for quiet some time. He escorted me to a concert place and I went in there alone and I have to admit it was somehow so relaxing, there all alone, I didn't have to think where my every friend is, where we will meet after the concert if we get lost in the crowd which always happens. I was sitting at the bar watching Inter VS Chelsea, talked to some random people and then went to see support band which sucked, some pop punk stuff and went to watch football again. When I noticed that lights went off I immediately went to a concert place which is separated from part where bar is. The crowd was awesome, there weren't so many metal heads, I hate when I go to metal concerts rude people that just come to get drunk and to push other people around. The crowd was great because everybody sang every song, there was so many people and still enough place to stand. They played my every favorite song from every album so I have to admit this was one of the best concerts I've been to. And they are so fun to watch and listen, they made fun of one guy that had Iron Maiden shirt, Jimmy Pop, lead singer was talking how good Bruce Dickinson is, how he knows everything, to drive a place, to fence... At the stage it was written METALLICA and then double crossed and below that Bloodhound Gang with smaller letters.
After the concert me and a few other people from Zagreb stayed to wait for band members. We managed to catch Jimmy Pop, he was so down to earth and so fun to talk to. He was talking how they were playing somewhere before Metallica and had that Metallica crossed at stage and how some guy from Metallica got mad. It was a really pleasant 10-20 min conversation. He also signed my booklet, he crossed everybody's face with X and put and arrow to point at his head

They are one of 2 band with which I started to listen music back in 1998-1999. so I was so happy to finally see them live.
Wednesday - I went with my friend and her roommate which is also a great girl to some place where some local band played some Irish songs cause it was Saint Patrick's Day so I had a good time again.
Thursday - Rammstein day. Some other friends of my friend arrived from other town. Me and a friend's roommate had a ticket for stands (?) while others where in the first row in front of the stage. Those tickets that we had were cheaper of course and I don't mind cause I could see everything pretty good from up above. Actually I always prefer to be down there in the crowd but I had to experience this too and I choose good concert cause you have plenty to see at Rammstein concert. If you don't know what I am talking about just check you tube videos from last Rammstein tour. The concert was in new Arena in Zagreb which was built for World championship in handball that happened last year. The sound was great, the place was crowded and the fence that was between first row and stage broke so there were many security persons holding it and that's why I am glad I wasn't down there cause that was totally unnecessary, there was enough room for everyone and people just couldn't move down there. I hate that kind of crowds, if everyone backed one foot it would have been great and people could breathe but such is our mentality, just push other people, push everyone and you will be closer even there is NO SPACE AT ALL. Just hate that, I guess I could have wrote this at bitching topic.

Friday - day after Rammstein we went to one place where they were playing 90s music, I enjoyed so much. We stayed and danced till 5 am I think. I usually do not dance so you can imagine how much fun I had. They were even playing songs from Bloodhound Gang, Rammstein, Offspring, Metallica, Prodigy and some trashy Croatian and some Britney, Madonna and such

Great fun.

Saturday - I planned to leave day after but they didn't let me go so i had to stay and we went to drink some beer at one place, nothing special but still pleasant and fun.
Sunday - I finally went home after I had a great time, I really really needed that back then after so many disappointments in life, to relax, to have some fun. I want to thank my mom for giving me money even she barely had any. I want you to know how great she is and how she always supports me when it's about concerts.