So... Last night was sooo damn AMAZING!

First there were Bigelf and Unexpected. But the thing is that on net it said that at 18 they open the place up and that at 20 it starts. I got there just like 5 min past 8 and just had a moment of time to squize myself in the first rows,and OPETH began!! I mean what the hell, they should write than that the concert starts at 18. Anyway we made our way by kicking and struggling somehow..
Opeth played for about one hour, this was way too short if you ask me. I was pleasently surprised to hear that our techinicians didn't screw up the sound! This happens quite commonly here. They played Watershed album. Heir Apparent, Hessian Peel (OMG this song sounded sooo great!!), Porcelain heart, The Lotus Eater,Coil, Reverie/ Harlequin Forest,April Ethereal, they ended up with Hex Omega. It was sweet and short. This is not the correct order of the songs, funny I can't remember which song was opening.. like it just fled out of my mind.. silly me..
During their performance there came up a guy dressed up in black cloak and with plastic mask of a skull, throwing around popcorn and smth, I couldn't see what exactly ( I suspect Portnoy

). Mikael started to laugh and so did every one else! At the end the guy came back with some pink sprey or smth and Mikael and Fredrik had their hair full of it!
Than they ended, people started screaming "We want more", but they didn't come back because the timing was very precise. They prepared the stage for Dream Theater. We had to wait for about 20 min.. or maybe less to me it seemed eternity.. so about 21:40 DT started. The black curtain falling to the floor and them starting to play A Nightmare to Remember, just the song I wished they would play first! This is when the crawd finally got wild!! They played also A Rite Of Passage ( mindblowing

), Wither, The Shattered Fortress, The Count Of Tuscany, I LOVE them for playing Erotomania!! A Mind beside Itself,In the name of God, Voices, Hollow Years (Thank you, DT!), I can't remember them all. All together ended at about half past 23.. This was really such a short concert. Everyone said that they could play much more. Funny to see Petrucci wearing Burzum T-shirt, than we realized it is not "R" but "L"

Rudess learned to play Na Golici! We were all "waaaaa!!" I hope that someone got that on video

Anyway I found some videos on youtube, I don't have my own, because the sound was horrible. Even this ones are some bad quality, but better than nothing.
Unexpect (too bad I missed them) : have to see this! In the middle of the concert Halloween dance Party! I laughed my ass off!! from a tin can : a beginning: Count Of Tuscany:
A Rite Of Passage: In The Name Of God: taste of the crowd: in all a night to remember!