Author Topic: Deutsch Killer nº1  (Read 129109 times)

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2012, 04:19:43 pm »
Gut gemacht, meine durch und durch böse Königin!

Except for the last sentence which is rather incomprehensible. It says that your dearest wish is to kill the Germans - using your emotions. :blink: What kind of weapon is that? Are you trying to bawl us to death...? :afaid:

"Ich studiere Deutsch"... if your teacher taught you that, then please tell him: To a German that means that you study the language at a university, probably full-time, in a wide range of aspects and in great theoretical depth in order to achieve an academical grade. Your participation in that course would rather be described as "Ich lerne Deutsch".

Of course, if you need any unusual words, any slang or bad words in order to amaze or scare your teacher, drop me a line.

Bis bald und cheers!

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2012, 06:37:01 pm »
Gut gemacht, meine durch und durch böse Königin!

Except for the last sentence which is rather incomprehensible. It says that your dearest wish is to kill the Germans - using your emotions. :blink: What kind of weapon is that? Are you trying to bawl us to death...? :afaid:

How did you discover that???  :ninja:

Btw... I suppose my teacher right now is simplifying a lot, including the meaning of "Ich studiere Deutsch". I mean... she's German (in that school, every teacher is native of the country s/he teaches about), and I suppose she might already know the difference, doesn't she? I imagine the verb STUDIEREN is one of the first to be taught, and don't make things more difficult they already are  :bawl: :cht2: :med2:

Mmh... thanks for you offer about slang, colorful words to impress my teacher. I think I'd rather wait a little... at least until I'm able to think a single short German sentence without getting a headache. Will you wait?  :lol3:

Danke  :evil2:
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2012, 10:32:51 am »
Hallo meine böse Königin und der oberste Priest!

Ich möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass am Sonntag (und am Dienstag) habe ich ins Theater zu gehen. Es ist ein Ereignis mit der Schule verbunden - mit Vorträge deutsche Sprache.
Es ist ein Prager Theaterfestival deutscher Sprache.
Am Sonntag est is Darstellung "Der zerbrochne Krug" von Theatergruppe aus Burgtheater Wien und am Dienstag "Die (S)Panische Fliege" von Volksbühne Berlin. :-)

Glücklicherweise wird über die Bühne Untertitel in tschechischer Sprache angezeigt werden.  :ninja:
But then again, who does.

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2012, 04:20:21 pm »
(Ewig dankbar Google Translator)

Das ist toll! Genießt du so viel dir Theater Reise! Und von mir denken und versuchen, sendst du mir gut Deutsch Wellen, um mein Deutsch zu verbessern...

PS. Ok, of course I used Google Translator to write this... but I've been able to change the "Sie" to "du", as I think we're familiar enough with each other, don't you think? I suppose I've done well the verb change... but not sure about the "dir". At least, I've tried it  :ninja: :innocent:
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2012, 12:17:39 pm »

Enjoy the performance, Kris! That sounds very interesting and I wasn't aware that there is such a festival. The second play sounds funny: The title means both "The Spanish Fly" (probably the aphrodisiac) and also "The Panic Fly". :roll:

Oh böseste Königin, wie geht es mit Euren Deutschstunden voran?


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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2012, 10:27:37 am »
So, for "The Broken Pitcher" I am sorry to say - I did not have much of it, cause I could not see on the subtitles (badly situated illuminating engineering - or badly situated seat, depends how you look at it, but if they placed it bit higher, I could see the texts with no problem)... Otherwise it was nice, sometimes I understood a bit but surely we did not get all jokes as we do not have the insight.

The Spanish Fly has even more funny translation in Czech:  :biggrin:
a) of course, The Spanish Fly (Španělská muška)
b) The Spanish Torment (Španělská mu(š)ka )

Unfortunately there is already now something I do not get about the play. This comes from the website:
Die Körper der Schauspieler, der Klang des Raums, die Grimasse, die sexuelle Entgleisung und bürgerliche Vollverkrampfung interessieren Fritsch brennend! Die Verwechslungskomödie um den urberliner Mostrichhändler Klinke zeigt es fulminant.

- What does the bold part mean? Comedy... and then I am lost...
But then again, who does.

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2012, 03:25:07 pm »
Verwechslungskomödie - comedy that is based on mistaken identities
Urberliner - some who is native to old Berlin
Mostrichhändler - mustard dealer
Klinke - his name
fulminant - fulminantly
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2012, 04:40:14 pm »
Thank You :)
But then again, who does.

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2012, 10:34:15 pm »
Ok, here there is my report about how my Deutsch classes are going...

It's frustrating!! Ok, well... that's not the best way to start, and it's not the main feeling. I like the classes, I think our teacher does quite well, and we repeat the things over and over again until some of them, at least, stick in our mind. The frustration comes because every class our teacher asks each of us to talk a bit. We can talk for long time or only one sentence (today, one of my classmates said he hadn't anything to tell, and she didn't pressure him). But what we try to explain... it's so hard!!! We have almost no vocabulary! Our knowledge is so basic we can only talk in present. If we try to say anything... either we have the dictionary with us, either we constantly ask her for the vocabulary, or we stick to some very basic sentences...

Ok, stop complaining!! Truth is: I'm glad I decided to study German. I like it, and I mostly enjoy, although I feel sooo clumsy, and I feel I'm learning so slowly. For now we've learnt to introduce ourselves, talk about our family, work, colours, numbers... We've learnt some verbs (all in present), we've started with Akkusativ... All basic, but all necessary if we want to set the ground to a good learning!!

Ah! And next Unit we'll learn about the clock. As a curiosity, the teacher told us that, although the way to say the time is usually quite difficult, we won't find it soooo difficult: it seems in Catalan, we say the ours in a similar way than German. Markus, Shelley... we have something (linguistically speaking) in common!!  :hug2:

Personal ideas: knowing English, in order to learn German, is very useful. And... knowing English, in order to learn German, makes things really diffucult!! Contradictory? Yes, but... It's very clear some common ground. A lot of words are very similar o equal to English; a great deal of them, if you know something about linguistic changes, are easy to unerstand they are related to. BUT. But pronunciation. That's THE problem. Ok, German is easy to pronunce. Unlinke English, it DOES have rules. And they are not complicated. Unless you know English beforehand and you tend to pronounce the English way. Let's say "Mutter". Let's say "Nummer". "U". Bad English "U" that in German is quite plain "U" and in English is more like an "A"...

And... of course, the BIG problem. Damn genres... why the hell German has to have THREE genres? And why must you know it in order to produce ALL the sentence????  :ninja: Ok, Spanish and Catalan have genres too. And they can be as random as German. That's the problem: what in Spanish is masculine, in German can be Masculine (if I am lucky), neutral (if it's not my lucky day) or feminine (if it's definitively a terrible day). Wouldn't it be easier being as English? No genres, all objects are "it"? Do you like to make all German learners crazy???  :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

Ok, that might have been in the "Let the steam out" thread. But it's not, beucause not all is bad, because I, in fact, enjoy the classes, and because I'm even allowed to kill German at class, and I'm only corrected, no punished for it! Imagine!! I can kill the language in public, and I'm not alone!!  :fish:

Ok... and now, our favourite sentece of all:

DAS IST ALLES!!!!  :evil2:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 10:39:27 pm by Luth »
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2012, 03:58:17 pm »
Whoa Luthy! :D Congrats, and best wishes for your German classes in the future too! It's great to read that you are so excited about learning. :hug:

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2012, 08:36:37 pm »
Meine allerböseste Königin,

that sounds as if you enjoyed the lessons, even though they're difficult. That's how it should be, right? :) And I'm glad that you enjoy learning my mother tongue.

I can imagine that the genders must be horrible for you. There's no logic behind them; you just have to learn them along with the vocabulary. Sure, that makes learning more difficult. (And yes, in fact I enjoy spreading some madness every now and then und ich freue mich sehr, dass es dazu nur ein paar Deutschstunden braucht.)

So enjoy the lessons big time, kill no Germans outside class und mach immer brav Deine Hausaufgaben. Ist das alles? Ähh, nein, nicht ganz:



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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2012, 08:53:33 am »
Oh böseste aller Königinnen,

ich sehe gerade einen Bericht im Fernsehen, dass viele Spanier in Deutschland Arbeit suchen. :( Das ist sehr schade, dass sie keine gute Arbeit in ihrer Heimat finden. Deutschkurse sollen deshalb sehr beliebt sein. Sie sind auch sehr teuer - in Madrid kosten die billigsten Kurse 400 Euro im Monat. :blink:

So teuer ist Dein Kurs nicht, oder?


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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2012, 03:29:55 pm »
Aber wieviel Stunden für 400 Euro in einem Monat? :blink:

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2012, 04:46:54 pm »
Mmmhhh... das haben sie nicht verraten.  ¬¬
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2012, 10:47:42 pm »
Ha, ha... no problem here. No 400 €, for sure! It's 83 per month, three hours (not two) every week (an hour and half every Dienstag and every Donnerstag). I suppose the courses you've heard are intensive ones! I'm studying German in the same academy where I studied English... just on the second corner  :nosweat: It could be a lot cheaper if I went to an Official Languages School, but I've not (yet) one very near, and the pace is better for me here. I've heard that in the Official Languages School, apart from a lot of hours at class, you need even more hours at home. Luckily, I'm working, and I've some (few little) personal life  :ninja:

Markus, it's true that a lot of people is studying languages, mainly German, to go abroad to look for a job. It seems that Germany is asking for a lot of technicians, and there is a lot who can't find a job here, or have lost it. I can tell a little by my classmates: there's a couple who has a son who is now living in Germany: he went there for a job, and now he has his life there; there are two who have just finished the studies and, as they have no expectation to find a job soon, they've decided to study languages and improve their skills in case they need them; one plans going to Germany to work in one or two years... I think I'm the only one who studies German for the sake of knowledge and absolutely no other reason  :bawl:

Ok, today I've skipped my German class. Xiquet was playing guitar in a band formed in his music school, and I had to go and see (and record) him. But On Donnerstag I have class... and there will be a test. My first test. Not exactly an exam... according to the teacher, it will be useful to her to see if she's going too fast, of too slow, or she has to insist more on a certain subject... We'll see. She is still not used to my killer German  :cht:

Ok, more ideas about German and me learning it soon... Too soon, for most of you  :ninja: :biggrin: :fish:

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2012, 09:55:41 pm »
Oh Du böseste unter den Königinnen,

this is quite sad when people are leaving their home-country for a reason like this.

So Xiquet had a gig? Where is the concert review, if I may ask? :ninja: But surely you have something to tell your classmates next lesson. I can help you translating, of course. :biggrin:


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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2012, 10:26:30 pm »
Not exactly a gig... more a "show in front of alles die Eltern (for Kinder) oder Freund/Ehepaar (for grown-ups) to say good-bye to the Jahr :lol3:

Ich bin sure nicht that ich want that help with translation... something tells me es would nicht be... exact...  :ninja:

Btw... today I've met one of my classmates, der Vater of the man who is now in Germany working: he was arbeitslos when we started the course, and now er already arbeitet! Well, that's good news!

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 11:12:17 pm by Luth »
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2012, 10:51:47 pm »
Ja, das sind gute Nachrichten, meine böse Königin!

Du kannst mir vertrauen - so einen üblen Scherz würde ich nicht machen. Und wenn Du mir nicht traust, kannst Du Dich ja mit dem Google-Translator absichern.


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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2012, 04:51:07 pm »
Not exactly a gig... more a "show in front of alles die Eltern (for Kinder) oder Freund/Ehepaar (for grown-ups) to say good-bye to the Jahr :lol3:

Ich bin sure nicht that ich want that help with translation... something tells me es would nicht be... exact...  :ninja:

Btw... today I've met one of my classmates, der Vater of the man who is now in Germany working: he was arbeitslos when we started the course, and now er already arbeitet! Well, that's good news!


AHAHAHAAAA Luthy this ist ein of the beste thinge ich ever gelesen have! :roll:

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #39 on: December 20, 2012, 07:01:13 pm »
stop damit - you macht me waaaahnsinnig!  :wacko: :mad3: :fish:
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