When You watch the sky - You could probably see Nordlys...
Polar lights can be seen only from the very northern latitudes, like Norway or Canada.

Did you see it Kris?

Tomorrow evening, the 12th of March, Europeans will have the opportunity to see the close meeting of the crescent Moon and Pleiades. Pleiades, also known as The Seven Sisters, are the most famous star cluster in the sky. It is located in the constelation of Taurus and is very conspicuous. It consists of several hundreds of hot blue stars, but only 6 are visible to the naked eye - Atlas, Alcyone, Merope, Electra, Maia and Taygeta.

Pleiades are, in Greek mythology, the seven daughters of Atlas and of Pleione, the daughter of Oceanus. Their names were Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope (see the picture above).

The meeting will be so close that the Moon will actually eclipse Sterope and Taygeta. The event will take place high above the west horizon between 19h and 21h. I recommend observing it between 20h and 21h because the sky will be darker and it will be easier to spot Pleiades (just below the Moon). The help of binoculars is again welcomed but NOT necessary.

@Aluqak: at the time sun sets in Canada, the Moon will already be several of its diameters away from Pleiades... to the left. However, it will still be a nice sight, you should check it.

After the sunset, as soon as the sky gets dark enough.