Hi folks,
Sirius, using astronomy software is rather advanced already.

Personally, it's very important to me to know the constellations and stars by name. Not all of them, but enough to find my way around the skies. When I can identify at least the brightest of them, and when I know the positions of a few deep-sky-objects I feel at home among the stars. Even though I'll never reach them I feel as a part of the sky. Well, in a way I am - we're all sitting amidst it on one of the planets circling our star. Knowing the skies a little makes me
feel this.
That's why I love "Call of Dagon" so much and chose it as thread subject: In a way we enter the limitless when we observe the skies with a knowing eye.
Besides that it's so fantastic WHAT we see there: Distant suns. Places of starbirth. A galaxy so distant that even the light needs more than 2 millions of years to reach us - all with the bare naked eye!
Eresh, a total solar eclipse is one of the most amazing natural events really. A partial eclipse is fascinating to see already, but a total eclipse is something completely different. Overwhelming! For once, the sun allows to look at it without going blind, and you see the sun in a way it can be seen at no other occasion. You felt little in those moments? Strange... I felt big, because I could take part in it. Even though I was just an oberserver I felt so close to the sun and the moon.

Your eclipse must have been July 11th, 1991. Also known as the "Big One", because totality was ununsually long with up to 6 min 53 s.
The ultimate resource on eclipses is the
NASA Eclipse Homepage by Fred Espenak, btw.
Folks, if you enjoy looking at the nightsky you should get hold of some binoculars, and perhaps a star map (I can recommend a cheap but good one, if you like). There's so much more to see even with binoculars! You can get a first glimpse of the remnants of burned-out stars or catch Jupiter's moons already. Or try to look through the telescope of a friend or a public observatory and take a walk across the moon or see the sun rise on its mountains or see the biggest storm system on Jupiter or Saturn's rings or.... :w00t: