I don't mean just bugs, I mean all flaws. Like characters are so generic and not memorable, locations are generic, all dungeons are the same with no reward at the end, enemy level up as you progress is just stupid cause then some easy enemies become too strong and such. I am talking about Oblivion.
When you are making a big game don't make it big just for sake of it, make it diverse. Oh and there are videos with artwork which is always amazing! And yet they failed to transfer that great artwork, great atmosphere into the game. Now I am talking about Skyrim. I will search for that video if you want. And what angered me the most is that Skyrim is a console port, they could have at least put normal inventory instead of that retarded console scrolling. But anyway I will give it a shot, I am thinking cause I don't just start the games, I always finish them.

I just want to say that I don't think Skyrim is a bad game, it's just too overrated, especially for RPG.