At last! - a couple of my all-time-favourite '80s German thrash releases have been remastered & reissued on CD:
Deathrow - Raging Steel
Deathrow - Satan's Gift
They are ordered and on their way to me!

Also managed to get hold of some other CDs that have eluded me for a while - ones that I've had on vinyl for years, but needed to get on CD:
ARTCH - Another Return To Church Hilll
Hexenhaus - A Tribute To Insanity
Voivod - The Outer Limits
And also been getting hold of some other quality German metal that somehow escaped me in the '80s, most of the back catalogues of:
Mekong Delta (progressive thrash)
Destruction (straight-up thrash)
Mekong Delta are particularly exciting, coz they remind me of the later Deathrow releases, with hints of Pink Floyd-meets-Coroner weirdness thrown in.