Stil there has to be a universal standard for those thingies , IMO
I don't think there is any universal standard. That would be kind of like trying to define when does an egg stop being a bunch of cells and become a baby... there is never a "switch" point, there is just continual transition.
So for example, when does dishonour turn into honour? Just like there is no switch point for egg/baby there is no "line" between honour/dishonour (<=== except for the line I just put there!). Just an infinite number of circumstances composed of shades of grey, each circumstance meaning different things to different people.
I would suggest that as a guide, the only opinion that counts is the little voice inside each one of us that truly knows if we have acted with "honour" or "dishonour". (the TRUE voice that sits just underneath the one that tries to convince us that of
course we have acted with honour!

And what is honour, honesty or courage to the average rock or plant, planet or star? They are merely human concepts - and they mean very little to any passing asteroids that are determined to crash on our heads....
and btw, welcome Loke!