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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #100 on: November 29, 2006, 04:46:07 pm »
My turn again :yeha::
Last night we had Blind Guardian and Leave's Eyes in town... and of course I was there.
Leave's Eye wasn't very good. I must say that my expectations were pretty low 'cause I don't like those kind bands... I mean, built around a female voice who thinks she is the best and who behaves like a diva when she's singing :whistle:. Then, when you have a show of such a band with a bad sound (like last night),... well, you sat with your best friend and have a couple of beers in the meantime. And that was exactly what we did. Well, we cried aloud a couple of studid things to have some laughs:
Liv Kristine: So guys, what do you want us to play next?
Al's Friend: Immortal, play us some Immortal!!!

Real bussines began one hour later when BG hit the stage and the crowd got crazy.
The sound was wonderfull, and the band seemed very pleased. I think our town in now in their official "mandatory-cities-to-visit-during-the-next-tour" list. The setlist was something like this:
into the storm
war of wrath
born in a mourning hall
Script for my Requiem
mordred's song
welcome to dying
time stand still at the iron hill
skalds and shadows
another stranger me
and then there was silence
Imagination from the other side
the bard's song
mirror mirror

The order of the songs is surely wrong, but who cares. As you can see, there is only one song from their last album, and that made us very happy. It was a wonderfull night only shadowed by Liv Kristien's mic (pitch was to high and we are all half deaf because of it) and by the f*cking freezing rain that's still falling in out town.

One more show to go and 2006 will be over :yeha:

War of wrath can't be next to in to the storm, is backwards. You mentioned 3 songs from the new album, not one :wink2:.: Another stranger  me, fly & Skalds and Shadows.
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Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #101 on: November 29, 2006, 04:51:59 pm »
If you had the time to read my post and find all those errors, you could have it to read this part too:
The order of the songs is surely wrong, but who cares.
The reviews in this thread are not intended to be accurate ... they just a sharing experience.  :tongue:
« Last Edit: November 29, 2006, 04:54:29 pm by Aluqak »
Volons, volons, laisse toi porter par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes...
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Offline lavaniegosII

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #102 on: November 29, 2006, 05:18:43 pm »
If you had the time to read my post and find all those errors, you could have it to read this part too:
The order of the songs is surely wrong, but who cares.
The reviews in this thread are not intended to be accurate ... they just a sharing experience.  :tongue:

Take it easy, it was only a little correction.
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Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #103 on: December 21, 2006, 06:12:04 pm »
Alright, last show of the year and it was a killer!
It all began in face of my computer drinking some rhums while talking with some NTSMS fellows (did you managed to kill that bottle of wine Markus?). Then I moved to a very tiny place (the biggest places were all bocked with x-mas shows :sick:) near the old town, where about 300 metalheads gathered to feast the last show of the year.
At 20h00 Eastern Canada time, and after a good and cheap beer, Gojira hit the stage.
The Frech men did a good show, but their style was too different from AA's, and most of crowd remained silent and/or drinking. Gojira plays a kind death-thrash with a very progressive sound, which made me feel as if I was listening to the same song for 45 minutes. Of course, that song had some good moments... but well. :roll-eyes:
At 21h00, the serious stuff began! The vikings hit the stage in style with Valhall awaits me, Runes to my memory and Death in fire. The crowd went insane and there were times when the only thing you could see was heads and long hairs going up and down. And of course, given the size of the place, and the fact that it was completly full, the atmosphere warmed up and the sweat started to pour. :wicking:
Some more songs and then, they give us a complete blast with Asator, An ancient sign of coming storm, The last with pagan blood and Once scent from the golden hall in a row (I must reckon that my eyes got wet a couple of times while listening some of Johan's solos ). They ended the first part with Gods of war arise, and then stoped for a few minutes to drink loads of water (those guys were sweating as if they were in a sauna!).  :nosweat:
After the break, the give us the chance to sing aloud Pursuit of vikings (the sound was glorious in this song!), and they finished of the show with Vs. the world and Victorious march. About 100 minutes of pure viking blast, and I left the place after one last beer with a big, big smile in my face. Needless to say that I had a very agitated night, and that I woke up every now and then singing AA's songs in my head :wacko:
Well, that's it for now. It seems that next year is going to be pretty busy too: Moonsorrow, Krisiun, Belphegor, Destruction, Sadus, 1349... and much more (hopefully Therion will be part of the "much more") :yeha:
« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 06:16:04 pm by Aluqak »
Volons, volons, laisse toi porter par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes...
Pazuzu, 1996


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #104 on: December 21, 2006, 07:43:53 pm »
It sounds like you had a great time. :)

It's cool that AA toured all around the world and met NTSMS members overall! :lol:

And please, write Wacken to your list of next year as well.

Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #105 on: January 19, 2007, 03:59:40 pm »
Fisrt show of 2007 and it was a good one. Last night we had Profugos Mortis and Moonsorrow in town.
I didn't know the first band but it was pretty descent... just enough to warm up the crowd, if you can call that amount of people a crowd... we were like 120 metalheads :unsure:
Anyway, Moonsorrow blew us out. Those guys are excelent musicians and very nice persons (chat with the guitarists after the show). I was very surprised that they didn't cut the long songs to play some more stuff like some bands do.... even the 26 minutes anthem from their last album (they actually played only three songs during the first 45 minutes of the show! :blink:).

@Rick: Thanks for introducing me to this band!... you really really have to catch these guys live! :bow:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 04:01:46 pm by Aluqak »
Volons, volons, laisse toi porter par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes...
Pazuzu, 1996


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #106 on: January 19, 2007, 05:47:34 pm »
Hey there Aluqak! 

Glad to hear you had a good time at the Moonsorrow gig  :thumbup:

I haven't heard the new album yet, but I understand it's got just 2 songs on it!! play time 56 minutes!!  :blink:

I'd love to see 'em live, but I don't think they will be visiting these shores any time soon... hmmm, maybe a reason to go back to Finland!!  :wOOt:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #107 on: January 21, 2007, 11:02:03 am »
Hi there,
I had the great pleasure to join a Therion concert - it was wonderful, I love the show, the decoration, the atmosphere on stage - I´d go there everytime again  :yeha:. I´m out of words
It´s a pitty that not many people came, I guess the hall was only half filled and many of them left after Grave Digger finished their part.
But Therion was worth the wait!! sound was unfortunately not so good, but this was all evening, not only with Therion - GD was even worse! (I stood directly in front of loudspeakers - maybe it was different elswhere  :unsure:) but I loved the show. First song was "Der Mittarnachtslöwe"  :wink2: I impossibly could say which song I liked best, I loved everything! Lori Lewis impressed me, how high she can sing and so beautiful! 
Sons I remember are: Der Mitternachtslöwe, Schwarzalbenheim, Falling Stone, Deggial, Grande Finale, Melek Taus, Arrows from the sun, Flesh of the gods, Blood of Kingu, Tuna, TOF, Son of the Staves of Time, Ginnungagap, Muspelheim (? not sure about), Khlysti Evangelist - encores were Lemuria, Rise of Sodom and Gomorrha, To Mega Therion - order is not like played, just like it came to my mind and I surely forgot about some. There also was a "Drum Solo"  - that means Petter began to play one, than Mats and Snowy took part in it, there were two single drums on stage, so every one of them had one. In the beginning of Melek Taus they jumped down stage and let some people from audience sing into their microphones... luckily I stood to much left for that  :shifty: puuuuuh  :roll-eyes:
:wOOt: I don´t know what to say ... I envy all of you who still will go to see one of this concerts :)
Sorry, I´m still so excited  :insane:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 06:20:26 pm by Shelley »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #108 on: January 22, 2007, 12:23:10 am »
It sounds like you had a great time, Shelley.  Thanks for sharing. 

I hope they change their minds and decide to come to America. 

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #109 on: January 22, 2007, 07:17:33 am »
Thanks, Shelley,

for that great review. :) That sounds very promising for "my" concert on February 10.

I'm especially glad to hear that they opened with the Lion from Midnight. :yeha:


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #110 on: January 27, 2007, 08:00:56 pm »
Hi there,

this afternoon I went to a concert of Richard Clayderman with my parents. :lol3: I didn't get to do much headbanging, but it was a highly enjoyable evening. He was accompanied by three other musicians, playing violin, viola and violoncello. Clayderman turned out to be a very sympathetic person, and he made a lot of fine little jokes during the two hours. His music is nothing I would listen to from the record a lot, but live I enjoyed it very much. He played some classical tunes, some movie soundtrack stuff and some popsongs. The only thing I disliked - and so did my parents and many other visitors - was the fact that the additional playback drowned out the live music at times.

After the show my mum proved to have some troo fan blood when she lingered around the stage and then urged forward to get her CD signed. (Admittedly, I had to encourage her a bit, but oh well...) A few minutes after that we even caught the string players, had a short talk with them and got their signatures, too. :biggrin:


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #111 on: January 27, 2007, 08:17:45 pm »

  Three days ago i went to a CoF gig and in my personal opinion it was great, despite the horrible sound at the concert hakk wher it was held the band performed excellently and the voice of dani amazed me, how can this little guy sing like that?!, well the show was interesting and sara sang like no other femela vovals, i liked it a lot, here is the set list...

Tonight in flames

 Her ghost in the fog

 Dusk and her embrace

 I am the thorn


 Cruekty brought thee orchids

 From the cradle to enslave

 The rise of the true pentagram


and more...

a great concert if you ask me

yo yo yo :P
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #112 on: February 02, 2007, 11:09:07 am »
Yesterday I saw, heard and felt Therion.

I should point out that the sound was less than preferable - not to the point of ruining the experience, but the guitars were pushed over the vocals, and only the drums were completely audible. The sound crew will burn in a special part of Hell for this.

That aside, they didn't rock my world... they mountained it.

I couldn't believe the proficiency with which they performed their songs - Christofer was totally immersed into the music and threw himself mercilessly to and fro, Kristian played solo with remarkable ease and got more than one applause, Karlsson showed off :biggrin:, Snowy was precious :) (not in a cute and fluffy way, mind), jumping around, doing faces and trying to either swallow his big hammer (nothing kinky here, really) or wham Kristian with it while the man was soloing.

Mats.... MATS! Mats. mats. matS. mAts. maTs. Mats!

The two female vocals with them were great. The cuter one was totally immersed into her own dream-world where she was the dominatrix of the entire crowd and we were all there for her sexual pleasure.


What? Judging by the faces she made, I'm not that far off.

The other one was more natural. They were both amazing in what they did.

As I've said, I couldn't believe how perfectly they played everything - the sound system notwithstanding.

Of course they played Birth of Venus Illegitima. Of course they played The rise of Sodom and Gomorrah.

But ye gods! They played Deggial.

The first two-three songs I was reserved, the way I usually am. I don't jump around, I don't wave my member at other people - I just sit back and enjoy the music.

But after Deggial... *during* Deggial.... When that final part came into play, I was mercilessly thrown into the fray by my own emotions (the traitorous bastards).

And Lemuria

And everything

np Nightside of Eden

Christofer told us at the end that we were the best audience on the tour so far, but I suppose he tells that to all his audiences. Did make us blush, though.
Can't stop the signal.

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #113 on: February 04, 2007, 05:58:35 pm »
Well, here we go again. Given that I'm VERY jealous of you Europeans seeing Therion every day, I decided, last fryday, to give a try to the only Metal show I had at hand to boost up my adrenaline. So, I decided to go to a very trash-metal show featuring Municipal Waste, Into Eternity and Destruction.
The thing didn't start very well because Municipal Waste got stocked somewhere in the snow, and didn't make it to the show :disgust:. So, Into Eternity turned up to be the opening band. I didn't know this band, and they not a bad at all, they have a couple of very good guitar players... but the singer... :fish:
After their performance, we were told that Municipal finally made it to town, and that they will play.... after Destruction :blink: . One of my friends put the situation in the right words: "Wonderfull, the headliners are opening for the opening band!".
So, it came Destruction. I was pretty excited about it, because in less than a year I saw Sodom and Kreator... and now with the Destruction's show, the trylogy of old-school German trash bands was complete. They gave us a very solid performance with a deteriorating sound. It started pretty well (almost very good sound) with the first two songs (Curse the Gods and Nailed to the cross), and then the sound began to become worse and worse and worse... It was so bad, that at the end the sound guy gave it up and just stoped working. He just sat down and drank beer after beer until the show ended. The best of the show was the announcement the band made: "we are talking with the guys from Sodom and Kreator to do co-headline world tour next year and we will play here, that's sure!" ....  :wOOt: and then, they ended the show with Beastial Invasion.
The room got almost empty as Municipal Waste started to test their sound. We decided to stay given that it was pretty early to go back home (11:00 pm) and that we still have enough money left to have two more beers... and it was a very good decission. Man! those guys of MW are pure energy. The pit (50 people or so) went insane for the 40 minutes the show lasted. Good sound, good songs, good laugh... and a couple of beers (one of them with Destruction's singer :biggrin:).
So, it was one of those nights where things don't go as you expected but you still have a very good time after all. :lol:
Volons, volons, laisse toi porter par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes...
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #114 on: March 07, 2007, 02:39:31 pm »
One more show to the list.
Last night we had Sworn Enemy and Kataklysm in town. The first band is a kind of metal-core with an Eminem-like singer. Not my cup of tea to be honest.
Kataklysm is perhaps my favourite band from my adoptive country. It has been a while that wanted to see them live, and I wasn't disappointed at all. A very solid, tight and limpid sound joined by a great attitude at the stage that put the crowd on its knees. Just one word: Wonderful!
If you like death metal and you don't know this band, go and get a couple of their cd's NOW! :ninja:

P.S. I was happy to lear that I'm going to see them again in about a month with Dimmu ... burguer.
Volons, volons, laisse toi porter par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes...
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #115 on: March 19, 2007, 09:10:34 pm »
Hi friends;
Last saturday we saw IN EXTREMO live in Bilbao. The sound was perfect, and the songs great. Only 250-300 people there, but whole of us dancing and singing for two hours...the show was simply superb. It´s not easy for us to sing in german here in the Basque Country, but we did our best. :biggrin:
The musicians played handmade ancient musical instruments, harps and bagpipes. Fantastic.
A friend of mine told me that he liked this show more than Therion´s one... :insane:
If IN EXTREMO plays in your town, don´t miss them.  :thumbup:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #116 on: March 21, 2007, 07:26:36 pm »
upcoming shows:

22.03.2007 - TÝR + Exlibris + At The Lake + Lilith - Warsaw, Progresja
25.03.2007 - Muzyka Końca Lata + Maki i Chłopaki - Puławy, Nova Alexandrya
01.04.2007 - Happysad - Lublin, Graffiti
14.04.2007 - Bimbeer + Dragon's Eye + Motorbreath + The No-Mads + White Crow - Lublin, Wirydarz - CK
15.04.2007 - Pizza Łomot+ Berial + Eternity + The Blackhorsemen + Acute Mind - Lublin, Wirydarz - CK
21.04.2007 - Pizza Łomot - Warsaw, Pub Rock 'n roll
27.04.2007 - Pizza Łomot - Lublin, Pub Na Strychu
02.05.2007 - Pizza Łomot (+ Bloom) - Puławy, Nova Alexandrya
07.05.2007 - Sabaton + Thunderbolt - Warsaw, Progresja

review-->later :P

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #117 on: March 23, 2007, 10:22:42 pm »
One month ago i saw LORDI in Bergara. An hour and a quarter of easy-listening songs. Horrible drum solo, and a great Hard Rock Hallelujah...
...yesterday, GWAR played in Irun. Only for an hour, but with a funny performance. Great sound..and blood, blood, blood and blood everywhere. A soldier, Hitler/Jesus, a policeman, a junkie, George W. Bush and Pope Razinger bleeded for litres.
Gwar vs. Lordi...Gwar won.
Me pica la medusaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggg!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #118 on: March 23, 2007, 10:53:10 pm »
Mmmmh... I think I'd prefer Lordi, acording to your description...  :innocent:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #119 on: March 24, 2007, 04:09:23 pm »
Ha ha ha  :evil2:
Me pica la medusaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggg!!!!!!!!!!