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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #80 on: July 27, 2006, 02:06:11 pm »
Rumors say that Maiden will play here in october..... again :nana: (Guess who's gone be there? :unsure:)


I think the only way I could see them live is if they were to play in Costa Rica and I could go. It is not impossible, but many things have to work out so I could do that.

Besides them I'd really like to see Hypocrisy and Kreator one day live  :bow:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #81 on: September 07, 2006, 11:05:05 am »
Hi folks,

I've been to a tiny concert of three German underground bands last Saturday. They played in a small club (or rather pub :lol3:) with a small stage and concert room in front of a few dozen people. Still, I enjoyed it a lot. :D

All three bands played more or less death metal. The third to play were Asgaia. They had some keyboard in their line-up, but still I found them a little dull. Their songs were rather unimaginative and repetetive. Second were Torture from Würzburg, with their drummer coming from my hometown. Death metal with a medieval touch here and there, very nice.

The first band was Sudden Havoc from Rostock in Northeastern Germany, by the Baltic coast. This band I liked best even though they had a slight numetallish touch in places. But that was outweighed by impressive deep growls, some nice clean male vocals above and really, really good riffs. Too bad they played first - I would have preferred the opposite order. I would have loved to hear Sudden Havoc after being warmed up by the others. :lol3: But after all, is was a good evening indeed, even though you may never have heard of any of these bands.


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #82 on: September 18, 2006, 07:56:11 am »

last Saturday I've been to a concert of Sear Bliss. In my opinion they are one of the best Hungarian black metal bands. Maybe Sirius knows them, they've just signed with Candlelight.

We were in a place called Wigwam, the name comes from its design: everything is Indian  :) There is also a tiny restaurant, we visited that because we went too early and the concert started with a delay. There is a bar, too, naturally  :roll-eyes:

The concert was great! I like their music, it's original: they use a tombone and a trumpet, and it fits surprisingly well to black metal. Sometimes they played in 3/4, I like the waltzer-metal  :) They use some non-european rhythms too, like 5/4 and 9/4.

They don't use corpsepaint, I didn't miss it :) I think it's more funny than scary :)
There were no other bands.

I've found some photos on the official SB forum!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 09:50:33 am by Lucy »

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #83 on: September 27, 2006, 03:03:28 pm »
Yesterday I was in a concert (in my brand new Sear Bliss T-shirt  :thumbup:) of two Norwegian bands, Enslaved and Vreid. We were in a place called Kultiplex. It has a bar in its garden, we could take a seat outside, waiting for the beginning, because the wheather is not so cold yet. I didn’t mention yet, “we” means my husband, my friend (she reads our forum regularly) and me. This is our little but enthusiastic group.

First played Vreid
Vreid was formed by the members of an other band named Windir, after the death of its singer. (He was frozen in a snow storm, trying to reach his house) Vreid played a cover from Windir, I liked it the most of all of the other songs (their own ones).
The singer reminded me an evil spirit  :shifty: He has long straight black hair and I could see only his eyes in his hair… No corpsepaint, he was scary enough without it  :afaid:
The music seemed a mixture to me: heavy metalish guitar, “military” drumming, black metal… When the concert started, I thought I would never like their music. But later I began to enjoy it. A very brutal music indeed, that was what I needed at the moment  :chair: You know, when I‘m working, I must be very kind to everyone, I must show my “light side”. I really need to live for my dark side, too  :ninja:

The concert of Enslaved was amazing! They play progressive Viking black music. Some parts of their music was so progressive that I almost fell asleep… There were two songs which inspired me a lot: “Ruun” and “Return to Yggdrasil” (very much Therion-related). Long, meditative songs, with my favourite Eastern rhythms and I felt that the meaning of the songs is worth a future study  :) While they was playing, in a big screen we could see some videos, not videos for the songs but some kind of video-feelings: fire, a sea of flames, eye moving rapidly (practically an R. E. M. with eyes open), runes, whirlpool, an image of Jesus appearing and vanishing, wood-cutting, a girl with long wavy hair continuously disassembling and putting together a bouquet of paper flowers… it matched very well the music, and made it more impressive.

The artists were feeling great, everybody could see and feel (and hear) that. At the end the guys from Enslaved were shaking hands with the people of the first row, and they donated an original bottle of water to my husband, who was the more enthusiastic of all  :yeha:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #84 on: September 27, 2006, 05:25:28 pm »
(very much Therion-related). Long, meditative songs, with my favourite Eastern rhythms and I felt that the meaning of the songs is worth a future study 
Heya Lucy - sounds like you all had a great time!  :)

Good to see you were able to feed your Dark Side  :ninja:
I quite like Enslaved - 'Beneath The Lights' is my favourite album of theirs. 

...I was just wondering if you are familiar with Melechesh?  Eastern rhythms are used to underpin their Thrashing Black Metal, with lyrics based around Sumerian/Msopotamian themes.  They have a new album coming out very soon, but I also highly recommend their previous album 'Sphynx' - you can check out the song 'Triangular Tattvic Fire' on their website.  I'm sure it's not to everyone's taste, but it sounds like it could be one for you Lucy  :)
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #85 on: September 27, 2006, 06:35:57 pm »
Thank you! I'll downl... :wacko: err... search it in the store  :blush:

About "Triangular": made for me! I'm looking for more  :)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2006, 07:57:22 pm by Lucy »

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #86 on: September 27, 2006, 08:06:04 pm »
Hey, glad you like it!  :)

Their Myspace  page has got the track "Of Mercury and Mercury" for download too (as well as "Triangular..."), plus they've got a track from the new album up there.

...I've got the albums 'Sphinx' & 'Djinn' if you want any additional tracks.

voces muy confusas entran en la mente!!!

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #87 on: September 27, 2006, 08:13:21 pm »
Yes, I like it  :) Thank you!

Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #88 on: September 28, 2006, 06:21:53 pm »
Holy shit!!! I didn't know this band... and i was missing a good one here :wOOt:
If Lucy doesn't take the offer for the additional tracks, I'll take for sure :yeha:
*preheats oven*... no wait a sec. those are not for eating... :whistle:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #89 on: October 07, 2006, 04:28:46 pm »

Yesterday Insomnium, Keep of Kalessin and Satyricon visited my city... :yeha: Naturally we were there  :biggrin:

Insomnium played great, melodic death music, in some parts very similar to Therion. It was a pity they played for so short time.

Well, I didn't like the part of Kalessin. I thought they would be better on concert. Anyway, no problem, because...

...SATYRICON RULES! Oh my god, WHAT A CONCERT! Satyr knows very well how to talk to the people, and we know how to make the bands feel great. It was their first concert in my country, but I'm sure they will return :biggrin: They liked the place too: it's called A38 boat because - it's a boat indeed! At the end of the concert I felt the ship going up and down with the rhythm  :w00t_jump: great feeling :biggrin:

A funny story: a guy was giving fliers of the concert of today, of a Hungarian band called "Sin of Kain". He wanted to give one to the singer of Sin of Kain - maybe he didn't know him, although he goes to all of the concerts, as we do - and it was very funny how the singer refused it :roll: He took it, looked at it, then with a strong movement gave it back to the poor guy. Unluckily we were standing far from them, and we didn't hear the singer saying these very kind words: :verymad:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #90 on: October 08, 2006, 04:12:00 pm »
We went to the Sin of Kain concert too, yesterday. It was a delusion: the singer was walking slowly on the stage, no headbanging, not much communication with us, hair tied together, no aspect of metal god. The music was great, but they would be better playing only instrumental metal, without the singer.

There was an other Hungarian band playing, Fagyhamu ("fagy"=frost, "hamu"=ash), they are from Szeged in Southeast Hungary. At least they were very enthusiastic, and they were painted which is very funny to me, so the night was saved.

Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #91 on: October 16, 2006, 02:16:44 pm »
Saturday was one of those days that will remain in my memories as one of the more exciting, amazing and funniest shows I've ever been to.
At noon, me and three more metal anglerfish hit the road to Montréal to see the BW&BK six pack show featuring six different bands... Thorn Within, Camilla Rhodes, Grave, Dismember, Brual Truth and TestAmenT :yeha:
The three hours drive from Québec city was pretty funny, full of our last metal purchases and stupid jokes about everything.
Then a three hours wait in Montréal in a metal bar... with some cheap beers and a vey well prepared hamburger :biggrin:
A finally a five hours concert with different styles and a show to remember. My faves?... Dismember and obviously TestAmenT, they played almost of my favourite songs and gave a very very solid performance.
At then end... well, three more hours to drive back to Québec city with a big smile in our faces and a lot of pain in our necks.
The show of the year.... for the time being (I have three or four more shows before 2007 hits the stage).
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #92 on: October 21, 2006, 10:23:57 pm »
I didn’t tell you yet about my last concert on 10th October.

First to play was Knowhere (CH)
They played melodic black metal, and the bassist is a girl.

Origin Blood (SWE):
A death/thrash band with a very enthusiastic leader. He came down from the stage (it looks like the new habit of the metal bands, he’s not the first one I saw to do this) and played the guitar amongst the audience.

Raise Hell (SWE):
They are beautiful guys… and they played the best concert of the evening as well. They play black/thrash.

Necrophobic (SWE):
A totally drunken death metal band. During the show they drank an additional bottle of Jagermeister, so they hardly could communicate with us. The singer/guitar player was crawling around with the guitar, once he presumably went to the toilet :lol3:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2006, 06:24:50 pm »
Last night we went to a concert of Korpiklaani. Supports were Sacra Arcana and Echo of Dalriada. It was sold out, Korpiklaani is very popular here, but we bought the tickets in advance. With the tickets in hand we had to queue long before getting in. There were many people without ticket to remain out.

When we could go in, the first band (Sacra Arcana) was already playing. We felt sorry for the delay, but after listening them a little we laughed a lot. When we realized that they were serious, we cried. In my opinion they not played metal, but some kind of nationalistic rock. They were dressed in typical Hungarian folk shirts. They sang about heroes of the Hungarian history, and this is OK. But they did that with nationalist sense that I hate. We aren’t better than other nations. Nations mustn’t be compared with each other.

Echo of Dalriada is great, we like them very much! They sing in Hungarian, and they have three singers: one woman and two men. They play sane folk metal, without nationalism, I enjoy it a lot – although sometimes I don’t understand the words. :lol3:

Korpiklaani played the best concert of the year! I like their Finnish folk metal, it’s very cheerful and festive music, with violin, accordion and bagpipe. Everybody danced in the crowd, sang and made pogo. The singer has made stage-diving twice, and the people didn’t want to let him back on stage, he had to show with his hand to get him back there. He gave at least three bottles of beer to the public, during the song “Beer! Beer!” and splattered them like the winners of Formula 1.  :cheers:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #94 on: October 26, 2006, 06:04:20 pm »
Today I got a pm from the guitarrist of Sacra Arcana. He chose this very kind way to correct my review of their recent concert. He wrote that the problem was not the negative critic but that I was wrong about them: they are not nationalists. They even posted an announcement on their home page (, in Hungarian) telling that they get a lot of attacks nowadays because many people think ignorantly that they are supporting rightwing ideas or politics. He wrote that they do distance themselves from anything like that.

I didn’t want to attack a band and even less a Hungarian band. My opinion based on some people in the audience, who were proud of being a nationalist. I couldn’t listen to the music neutrally when my eyes met a scene like that.

I’d like to thank him for being so kind and I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t want to hurt anybody. I wish them a more tolerant audience than I was.

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #95 on: October 27, 2006, 12:24:24 am »
Well, then... thanks to both of you! Thanks to Sacra Arcana for making their point clear in such a thoughtful and friendly way, and thanks to Lucy for telling us about it and for correcting her point of view. :)

I think that sometimes good things can attract bad people. Especially when it comes to folklore-inspired music there's a danger that bad people get it wrong and believe to find support for their nationalist or racist views. These fans can do great harm to the image of a band, but then again they may be an easy audience for some. So respect to any band that distances itself from such tendencies!


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #96 on: October 29, 2006, 06:39:18 pm »
A god from the concert of 27th October:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #97 on: November 21, 2006, 12:37:03 pm »
Last Saturday we went to a concert of two Hungarian bands. The first wasn’t metal, and I didn’t like it. The second band was Wisdom (, a heavy metal band who presented their first album „Words of Wisdom”.

We had a great evening! They played good music, I bought the cd and I still enjoy to listen to it.

The stage had two floors and the musicians were running all over it (well, except the drummer :lol:), banging their head and singing (I think they were enjoying the show as we did). The stage was the same design as the album, with little statues and even „Wiseman” appeared personally (he’s the simbolic figure on the album cover, designed by HJules – see this topic).

The drummer performed a drum solo that even some black drummers wouldn’t be able to do.

So… what should I say? I hope you will have the occasion to listen to Wisdom someday.

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #98 on: November 27, 2006, 07:41:24 pm »
Not too many concert reviews in last...8/9 months  :whistle: ...but yesterday we went to see WASP at the Jam in Bergara. It wasn´t  good at all. The music and guys were ok but...only an hour. Blackie is not in his better moment. He dissapeared twice while the show, gone behind the amps and played sitted down.  :ninja: The set was ok, but too short in time. The guitar solo on "the idol" was too long...but when they all were playing together...just amazing. I think they were the last 25€ i spent watching them...
Me pica la medusaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggg!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2006, 02:49:40 pm »
My turn again :yeha::
Last night we had Blind Guardian and Leave's Eyes in town... and of course I was there.
Leave's Eye wasn't very good. I must say that my expectations were pretty low 'cause I don't like those kind bands... I mean, built around a female voice who thinks she is the best and who behaves like a diva when she's singing :whistle:. Then, when you have a show of such a band with a bad sound (like last night),... well, you sat with your best friend and have a couple of beers in the meantime. And that was exactly what we did. Well, we cried aloud a couple of studid things to have some laughs:
Liv Kristine: So guys, what do you want us to play next?
Al's Friend: Immortal, play us some Immortal!!!

Real bussines began one hour later when BG hit the stage and the crowd got crazy.
The sound was wonderfull, and the band seemed very pleased. I think our town in now in their official "mandatory-cities-to-visit-during-the-next-tour" list. The setlist was something like this:
into the storm
war of wrath
born in a mourning hall
Script for my Requiem
mordred's song
welcome to dying
time stand still at the iron hill
skalds and shadows
another stranger me
and then there was silence
Imagination from the other side
the bard's song
mirror mirror

The order of the songs is surely wrong, but who cares. As you can see, there is only one song from their last album, and that made us very happy. It was a wonderfull night only shadowed by Liv Kristien's mic (pitch was to high and we are all half deaf because of it) and by the f*cking freezing rain that's still falling in out town.

One more show to go and 2006 will be over :yeha:
Volons, volons, laisse toi porter par ta croyance immortelle, laisse ton désir devenir tes ailes...
Pazuzu, 1996