Hi Markus!
I feel like in the lift trying to talk with some neighbour
-Oh, hello!
-Cold weather, isn't it?
-Yup, pretty cold. That's weather changing, y'know...
-...mmmh... Yep, sure... 
Yes, you heard well: we have an uncommon cold and snowy weather. We are having snow at really low height above sea level... In fact, yesterday I was able to touch the snow, but not because I saw it fall: some cars coming from very near had it on their bonnet; the little mountains near us (very near, and low: perhaps 100 meters high?) were a little white, where the cars came from, I suppose. I've heard that today it can snow even lower, but I don't think it will happen here. Snow or not, temperatures are really low, near 0º, what is pretty unusual here. I prefer not to imagine in the mountains

Apart from my town, almost all Catalonia (except really low height) is white now, and almost all North of Spain. Besides that, in Andalusia region (South of Spain) they have several heavy rains, and they had a lot of floods

Well, I've heard in London have been a lot of problems because of snow too, with a looot of flight cancellations and delays... What about other countries?