Author Topic: Deutsch Killer nº1  (Read 130503 times)

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #160 on: March 31, 2014, 07:49:05 pm »
Dear Deutsch High Priest...

Please, if your post is a joke in German language, be so kind to translate it to me.

Thank you!  :cht: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #161 on: March 31, 2014, 07:53:48 pm »
Sure, oh Regina Malissima Mea! :lol3:

"Was ist das Gegenteil von Frühlingserwachen?" - "Abends rechts einschlafen!"

This one plays with the similarity in the sound of "Frühlingserwachen" ("awakening of spring") and "Früh links erwachen" ("awaking on the left  in the morning").

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #162 on: April 01, 2014, 12:15:41 pm »

:roll: :lol:

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #163 on: June 11, 2014, 07:48:29 pm »
Aaaahhh... so long time with no spam in this section... Well, it's not spam, but let's bring it to life again! At least, a little.

As I already said in the shoutbox, I've just signed in to an intensive German course. I feel that I barely improve during the regular course (few time to study at home, perhaps the teacher, hard for me to dig for motivation on weekends...). So, I looked if any intensive course is available at afternoons during July, when I work only until 15h. Not in my academy, but there's an Official Language School in Barcelona where there is. And there I go!

It will be one month, from Monday to Friday, von 16 bis 20 Uhr. Vier Stunde per Tage! Not bad! (specially when I work from 8 to 15h...). I'll be arriving home very late, so I already know I'll have no life during this month in the workdays. But I really think this can be the way to really improve in German, at least, enough as to feel I'm learning something and enjoy it a little more.

Thursday 19th I have to make a test to know in which level they put me in. I'm supposed to be able to get the A2, but I wouldn't mind repeating the A2 this month and learning it better...  It's not up to me, I'll know the 30th, the first class day.

So... if anytime soon I start speaking (bad, terrible) German, it's because of the course.

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #164 on: June 12, 2014, 10:10:45 am »
Das wird schwer, oh allerböseste Königin. Aber ich hoffe, es bringt Dir viel!

Viel Spaß, viel Erfolg und :sofa:!

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #165 on: July 13, 2014, 07:36:48 pm »
I need a little help... How would you say, auf Deutsch: "The Oktoberfest through the world"?

Thanks!  :cheers:
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #166 on: July 14, 2014, 10:06:50 am »
"Das Oktoberfest durch die Welt", literally. What exactly is the sentence supposed to mean?
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #167 on: July 14, 2014, 11:27:02 am »

It's the title of one of the parts of the presentation I have to make. I'll explain about other Oktoberfest out from Germany (for instance, Calella!  :biggrin: ).

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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #168 on: July 15, 2014, 10:10:12 am »
I see, Luth. Well, I'm not sure a German would understand "Das Oktoberfest durch die Welt" properly; I think "Das Oktoberfest in aller Welt" is closer to what you want to say...


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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #169 on: July 15, 2014, 10:51:13 am »
Danke schön!
NTSMS Rocks! - ignore everyone else!  (Rick dixit)
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #170 on: July 15, 2014, 11:33:17 am »
Gern geschehen - und viel Erfolg!
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #171 on: July 25, 2014, 10:14:15 pm »
Ok, morgen schreibe ich alles... aber... and sorry, but Deutsch later! Ich bin müdeeeeee!  :innocent:

Today I've made the last class... We got our marks, and my group (and another one) have made the presentation. My marks: 9 out of 10. (1 point for making all the Hausaufgaben and all work required).

The presentation? Sehr gut!! Better than I would have thought (not perfect, of course...!!!). And sehr lustig! Tomorrow I'll explain... People laughed and... disguised a little... bwahahaha!

Now, I must continue practising and improving my German... and trying not to loss my English! When I want to say something in English, German words come to my mind and tonge...  :disgust: :mad3: :nosweat:

Tomorrow more!  :ninja:
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Re: Deutsch Killer nº1
« Reply #172 on: July 26, 2014, 04:09:45 pm »
As I told you, yesterday was the last day of my Sommerkurs (80 hours in 4 weeks... not bad!). It has been a very rewarding experience, and I think I'll do it again next July. Yesterday, my group had to make the presentation (each group is formed by 3 people). As it was the last day, and we chosed a festive topic (Das Oktoberfest), we decided to make it a little more... festive! The other groups made a normal Referat: they used the powerpoint, each of the members explained something with the aid of the images, and nothing else. We... changed the rules a bit. I think it was fun, so I'll explain a little more!

First of all, we asked the teacher for 5 minutes free, and he granted it to us. We sneaked out of the class, to "disguise" a little: a pair of Zöpfe each of us, like Münchnerishe Frauen am Oktoberfest. So, we entered the class with the plaids (curiously, one of us is very blond, the other very red, and I am very brown-haired), and teacher and students were like... wow! That'll be fun! Soon we started the explanation, with a little theatralised dialog:

In that moment, we gave our fellow classmates a newspaper-hat with a colour feather each man, and two paper plaids with a clip to each girl. Including the teacher...

With everyone "disguised" (including one guy who decided that the hat was too few, and put on the plaids too), we started the real explanation. First, the other two girls, who explained the history of the Oktoberfest, and how it is, and so on. Then, my turn. I know there are some grammatical and ortographic errors but... this was more or less what I said, with the image of the power point included:

(BTW... I changed the title of the first 4 slides: instead of "Wie neuerig!", which I was not sure if it was right, I wrote "Kuriositäten").

We had some fun there!

More things to point out... On Thurdsday, after the exam, we watched a German movie... perhaps you know it? Shlussmacher. It's a comedy, not bad... of course in German, but with subtitles... in GERMAN! I must confess I missed some important things, but I think that I got the overall of the movie. My first movie fully in German...  :insane:

And, to end (by now...): my English is in danger! One day, just after the 4hours-class, I was waiting in the platform for my train, and a tourist asked me, in English for the train she had to take. I explained her in English, of course... but instead of "yes", I kept saying "ja". Instead of "no", "nein". And, instead of "but", "aber". I was crazy!! All the words more usual come to my tongue in German instead of English! And the tourist... she might have thougt "Oh my, I've asked the wrong person. She obviously speaks more German than English!".

Of course, the reason was the 4h class I just had, all in German, and all the previous days with the same schedule. Later, I've been able to help other tourists, and I kept my German away, with a little effort... but it made me realize I must practise my English, specially my SPOKEN English, or German will interfiere more and more...

Maaaarkuuuus... We must meet again! Next time we meet, I'll be able to kill German a lot more than previous meetings!!!  :innocent: :ninja:

PS. I explained it all in English because it's too long and too complex for my poor little German. From now on, I'll try to write here shorter posts, but auf Deutsch!  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
NTSMS Rocks! - ignore everyone else!  (Rick dixit)
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