As I told you, yesterday was the last day of my Sommerkurs (80 hours in 4 weeks... not bad!). It has been a very rewarding experience, and I think I'll do it again next July. Yesterday, my group had to make the presentation (each group is formed by 3 people). As it was the last day, and we chosed a festive topic (Das Oktoberfest), we decided to make it a little more... festive! The other groups made a normal Referat: they used the powerpoint, each of the members explained something with the aid of the images, and nothing else. We... changed the rules a bit. I think it was fun, so I'll explain a little more!
First of all, we asked the teacher for 5 minutes free, and he granted it to us. We sneaked out of the class, to "disguise" a little: a pair of Zöpfe each of us, like Münchnerishe Frauen am Oktoberfest. So, we entered the class with the plaids (curiously, one of us is very blond, the other very red, and I am very brown-haired), and teacher and students were like... wow! That'll be fun! Soon we started the explanation, with a little theatralised dialog:

In that moment, we gave our fellow classmates a newspaper-hat with a colour feather each man, and two paper plaids with a clip to each girl. Including the teacher...
With everyone "disguised" (including one guy who decided that the hat was too few, and put on the plaids too), we started the real explanation. First, the other two girls, who explained the history of the Oktoberfest, and how it is, and so on. Then, my turn. I know there are some grammatical and ortographic errors but... this was more or less what I said, with the image of the power point included:
(BTW... I changed the title of the first 4 slides: instead of "Wie neuerig!", which I was not sure if it was right, I wrote "Kuriositäten").

We had some fun there!
More things to point out... On Thurdsday, after the exam, we watched a German movie... perhaps you know it?
Shlussmacher. It's a comedy, not bad... of course in German, but with subtitles... in GERMAN! I must confess I missed some important things, but I think that I got the overall of the movie. My first movie fully in German...

And, to end (by now...): my English is in danger! One day, just after the 4hours-class, I was waiting in the platform for my train, and a tourist asked me, in English for the train she had to take. I explained her in English, of course... but instead of "yes", I kept saying "ja". Instead of "no", "nein". And, instead of "but", "aber". I was crazy!! All the words more usual come to my tongue in German instead of English! And the tourist... she might have thougt "Oh my, I've asked the wrong person. She obviously speaks more German than English!".
Of course, the reason was the 4h class I just had, all in German, and all the previous days with the same schedule. Later, I've been able to help other tourists, and I kept my German away, with a little effort... but it made me realize I must practise my English, specially my SPOKEN English, or German will interfiere more and more...
Maaaarkuuuus... We must meet again! Next time we meet, I'll be able to kill German a lot more than previous meetings!!!

PS. I explained it all in English because it's too long and too complex for my poor little German. From now on, I'll try to write here shorter posts, but auf Deutsch!