Author Topic: National news.  (Read 244062 times)

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Offline Persephone

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Re: National news.
« Reply #140 on: April 22, 2011, 03:54:14 pm »
I am glad it wasn't worse :(
It's great that the stained glass was not affected :)

I hope they will be able to reconstruct the rest :)  :pop:
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #141 on: April 22, 2011, 07:57:08 pm »
Hey folks,

so there's no damage that couldn't be repaired in the Sagrada Familia. Still it's a bad thing and I hope that the guy will have to pay to make up for his deed.

The other arson is worse, apparently, because the goods destroyed there cannot be replaced so easily. :( Oh, I hate it when people cause unnecessary destruction!

Cheers, anyway!

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Re: National news.
« Reply #142 on: April 23, 2011, 11:11:04 am »
I'm so sorry for the scrolls. :(

Thank you, Luthy, for the updating, it seems like we have to return to Barcelona with the Notessomes' Revenge Project n.1! :ninja:

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Re: National news.
« Reply #143 on: April 23, 2011, 12:54:28 pm »

Thank you, Luthy, for the updating, it seems like we have to return to Barcelona with the Notessomes' Revenge Project n.1! :ninja:

Yeah  :ninja:
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #144 on: April 23, 2011, 01:02:04 pm »
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Re: National news.
« Reply #145 on: May 22, 2011, 11:28:06 am »
I don't know if any of you know about this, but here there's a new movement that fill us with hope. It's called "Los indignados" (more or less "The outraged"). Thousands of people of all ages are meeting in big squares in several cities to ask for a new and real democracy. They are not violent, a lot of them are unemployed people, but not only. Some hundreds are sleeping in the square. In the "Plaça Catalunya" (Markus and Lucy will remember) there's that movement, and you can see several signs asking for changes or stating some facts... One of them says "Plaza Tahrir".

You can read that here, for instance.

It seems that it's spreading all over the world, mainly joined by Spanish people living in foreign countries, but somtimes the local people joins. What do you think of it? To us, it's a kind of a hope, although I'm not sure it will really turn into real changes. I wish it will, really. Btw... today are city elections... All an interesting mix!  :ninja:

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Re: National news.
« Reply #146 on: May 22, 2011, 11:48:38 am »
Yes, Luth,

I've heard of that. :thumbup: I wasn't even aware that civil rights were still a topic in Spain... :unsure: What do you think Spain has to change in order to become a genuine democracy? What good do you expect from that?

This is gonna be interesting! In any case I wish you and your country all the best.


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Re: National news.
« Reply #147 on: May 22, 2011, 11:57:50 am »
Well... we have a democracy, of course, it's not that we need to ban a dictator like in other countries. But there are several things that weaken that democracy... Corruption in the political parties without any effect in the soul of that party (there are a lot of people called by justice for corruption and today will be elected, instead of being forced to resign as it would be normal in a good democracy), politicians unable to lower the unemployement rate... I know it's not easy, and this is a global crisis, but Spain have an unemployement rate of 24% more or less... and it rises to almost the 50% among young people!!  :blink:

I have no time to write about all (or several) facts that must change, as I'm going to vote right now  :spock: but the fact is: people must know that a lot of things must change, and politicians must be the first!  :evil2:

Goes to vote!
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Re: National news.
« Reply #148 on: May 22, 2011, 12:12:40 pm »
I have to say that I also didn't know that civil rights were still a topic in Spain  :unsure:
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #149 on: May 22, 2011, 12:19:11 pm »
but the fact is: people must know that a lot of things must change, and politicians must be the first!  :evil2:

I couldn't have said better, Luth! :wOOt:
I keep my fingers crossed for your people, Luth, and for everyone who wants to change to better.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #150 on: May 22, 2011, 12:24:03 pm »
I see, oh most evil voting queen. :)

So in fact this is democracy at work - things not going the way they should and people standing up saying their opinion. The best of luck to you!

Voting is so important, too - even when there's no choice that you can agree with completely. I always say when you didn't vote you have no right to nag later on, and I want to keep that right. :lol3:

Oh yeah, the unemployment... that's a horrible thing. Not easy to overcome because economy is such a damn complex thing, but it's very important to try seriously and to have some success. You're a good worker, I think, so your chances to remain employed are somewhat higher, but I know that in a real crisis even the good ones may be struck.

You know my fingers are crossed and I'm eager for updates. :)


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Re: National news.
« Reply #151 on: May 27, 2011, 04:40:50 pm »
Is that normal in a fully democratic country?

Today the police tried to make people in the Plaza Catalunya to leave, according to them, to clean the place and then they would let them come again. People refused and peacefully resisted. The video shows the police answer.

Now the answer is that there are about 3000 people in there and that at 19h there'll be a demonstration against the politics and policial action. In the meanwhile, police "cleaned" the square of all but the sleeping bags (computers, tents, gas little kitchens...).

Is that normal?  :blink:
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Offline Persephone

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Re: National news.
« Reply #152 on: May 27, 2011, 05:26:10 pm »
I am afraid that this is normal still in all countries :( Democratic or not :/

Political force looks like this :( I'm very sorry that in Spain it is the same like here...
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #153 on: May 27, 2011, 10:32:27 pm »
It's not normal what the police did, but these guys really need to start thinking on being useful rather than just demanding "change". I know that they're upset with the whole system (it is unfair), but what Spain needs is hard work, some fresh, young (green) parties stirring up the shallow waters in the parliament, and not random wishes of utopias and system changes. I'm afraid that the times of big, new ideas about entirely new societies are over (thankfully)...

Luth, can you give us a hint on what specific things are needed to be done? Do people study things that the economy needs or just party around for 6-7 years (with at least one semester of Erasmus scholarship included which they spend stoned and drunk) to earn a bullshit degree? Because or youth is like this. :lol3:
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 10:35:47 pm by Lasse »
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Re: National news.
« Reply #154 on: May 28, 2011, 09:26:20 am »
It's not normal what the police did, but these guys really need to start thinking on being useful rather than just demanding "change". I know that they're upset with the whole system (it is unfair), but what Spain needs is hard work, some fresh, young (green) parties stirring up the shallow waters in the parliament, and not random wishes of utopias and system changes. I'm afraid that the times of big, new ideas about entirely new societies are over (thankfully)...

I agree that with the fact that it will hardly lead the politicians to make any change... that it's almost an untopia. But they are not all young, lazy, naïve people: they are mainly (not all!) unemployed people who really tried to get some work and didn't get any (unemployement rate in youth people is dramatic), students who see how their studies will be su much expensive with so less quality next year (a lot of careers disappear, a lot of options have been deleted, teachers will have to do more hours getting less money...) and people who do have a job and a good one (lawyers, doctors...) and are there to help if needed. In my English class there are some young people who explained how they don't know if they will be able to study in the University next year, as they wanted. Because of the extra money they'll have to pay, or because their option disappears or it's included in another one they don't want to study.

The "indigned ones" have not a visible head, and that's a fault that can weaken them, as a lot of wise people says. But they give ideas, not only wishes! They wrote a large list of real changes that government could do to improve (changes for banks, for politics, for economics). I suppose some are impossible to apply, but the majority are well-thought, and should be heard.

Luth, can you give us a hint on what specific things are needed to be done? Do people study things that the economy needs or just party around for 6-7 years (with at least one semester of Erasmus scholarship included which they spend stoned and drunk) to earn a bullshit degree? Because or youth is like this. :lol3:

Our studies system has a lot of faults, but there are good students really involved in what they are studing. I suppose the "wooow, 4-5 years of partying around without having to work" kind exists everywhere, here too, but it's not the majority. I know a lot of people who studied hard all the years of their student times, and worked at the same time, in a partial-time job or even a full-time one! Now, with the Bolognia thingy only those whose parents can pay for the studies will be able to study. No student will be able to have any job as they must go to class at the morning and at the afternoon, and work (on their own or in group) the "free time" of weekends or holidays. and they have to make a signature every day they attend class, with very few misses, in order to be able to do the exam. It's not fair: now only young people with wealthy parents, or at least with money enough to pay them the studies, will be able to go University  :mad:

And... believe me, no one Erasmus scholarship compulsory here. At the contrary... a lot of students want a grant for an Erasmus or getting paid some of their studies and they are not given anything. It depends a lot in what part of Spain you live, as there are other parts of the country (not Catalunya, not Barcelona) where it's easier... and one of the reasons is that Catalans contribute with a lot of money to the central administration but are given back a lot less... but this is really another subject, really.

Sorry, I am usually not a politics person, I always try to see both parts involved, I don't like to randomly complain... but that crisis have increased problems in a way that even a blind would be able to see them  :bawl:

PS. The studies problem (of course, the job problem too) really concerns a lot to me: I was able to study almost with no working of my own, until the last times, but it was cheaper by then. If I had to study now, I suppose my parents could not pay me, and I would not be able to work (both for the impossibility to get any job and for the Bolognia rules). So, I suppose that, if I had been born 10 years later, my future would have been a lot worse. And that future is the one that awaits for our young people. And that's bad  :-(
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 09:36:52 am by Luth »
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Re: National news.
« Reply #155 on: May 28, 2011, 10:17:38 am »
Hey folks,

Luth, that's definitely not normal or alright. We've all seen worse scenes, but what's going on there is definitely wrong. Ummm.... how come they don't treat the infamous pickpockets that way? Where were those cops when they were needed?

The way I see it these people want to be useful but find no employment. Very nasty situation!

I just hope very strongly that this will become a positive movement, strengthening young and fresh ideas and parties as Lasse suggested - instead of picking out scapegoats and turning against them.

The situation in Spain, especially the incident in Barcelona, is on our news, too. But our biggest topic right now is a wave of unusually aggressive bacterial intestinal infections that is even killing people.

Cheers, anyway!

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Re: National news.
« Reply #156 on: May 30, 2011, 08:56:41 am »
How is the situation now, Luthy?

And do German scientists know more now, Markus? I can hear about it in our news every day, mostly looking for imported vegetables. It's so sad to hear that there is no medicine. :(

Offline Persephone

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Re: National news.
« Reply #157 on: May 30, 2011, 09:36:37 am »
I've read in newspapers that some imported cucumbers are found in CZ too  :-\ I mean, the infected ones.
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #158 on: May 30, 2011, 05:19:35 pm »
Hey Kris,

well, it's been cucumbers imported from Spain. AFAIK it's not clear yet whether they were contaminated before the harvest or later, during the transport. People are scared of cucumbers now and also of tomatoes and green salad... I keep eating the latter two but I'm keeping away from cucumbers for the time being.

Cheers, anyway!

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Re: National news.
« Reply #159 on: May 30, 2011, 05:37:47 pm »
I just ate one cucumber. And tomatoes. And radish. And carrot. :ninja:
But then again, who does.