Hihi Markus!
So, our latest purchase is a truck, as you can see the photo on the blog. It's needed for the garden works at the homestead, and it's going to carry the beehives. The honey-giving flowers open in different times, so in order to produce a lot of different kinds of honey, we will have to transfer the bees to other parts of Hungary. The very first one is colza, and there are no colza fields near, so the bees will be transported near a big colza field. Then they come home to catch the first line of acacia. We live in a Southern part of Hungary where acacia bloom earlier than in the Northern parts, so after producing the first acacia honey, we will take the bees towards North, to catch at least another acacia blossoming. Then they will all come home again because we have vast wild tobacco fields near (it's a Hungarian speciality, that plant grows wild everywhere here). After that it's going to be sunflower time! and they will travel near a huge sunflower field. Then, as last plant, they might catch Solidago flowers in late Summer to make the bees stronger, preparing for winter time.