Agnes and Kris, I can have no more fingers and toes crossed for you!
About the laptop... it may be weak, but we have to ACER laptops at home, and they perform quite well for us

About yesterday night:
As I've said in the shoutbox, Xiquet and me went to CORTEO show, from the Cirque de Soleil. I won it in the radio: every morning they ask a question about what do you think about something (politics, sports... whatever). You can send an sms answering if you agree or not, and you enter a lottery where you can win a prize, usually the same every day of the week. Xiquet has won several times (at least five times in the last 3 years): from tickets to a concert, weekends in a hotel, videogames... But this time it was MY time: during the week, they were raffling a night in Andorra (for two people) and two free tickets for Caldea, a macro-spa (we already won last year

). But Thursday they were raffling this AND two free tickets for the opening day of Corteo in Barcelona. And this was the day I tried to and the day I won

(yes, that means that we have already to enjoy another weekend in Andorra with Caldea...)

The experiece was asbolutelly unique: first of all, we were in quite a good place in the seats: not the most expensive, but not, by far, the cheapest ones. In fact, each ticket would have cost 85 € if we had bought them! In the same zone (but more at the centre of the stage) they were all the Catalan politicians

We also had a free drink and pop-corn with our gift-ticket!
Well, the show is, as I've said, amazing. Corteo is the latest show of the company: I was in another one, Saltimbanco, two years ago, and I felt it was weak for a company like that. This time, it is superb. From the beginning to the end. Really!!! It represents the dream of a clown's own death. Surrealist, visually perfect, incredible and lovable performances... I was not able to divert my eyes from the stage!!!!!!
An extra-fact that made that day something different: in our way to the circus, I found a ticket in the ground (at 300 m of the big top, more or less). I caught it and saw it was another gift-ticket (we were only we two, so no use of it) and, in our way, we found a young girl watching desperately to the ground. Of course it was hers, and she was so grateful to have recovered. It seems she works nearby, and her working day would end at 23 pm (the show started at 22 pm). Her boss told her she had the ticket but was not able to assist, so she gave it to her and let her leave from work early. Of course, she was desperate to found her missing ticket!! We made the good deed of the day!

PS. You can watch at
THIS WEBSITE if you feel like it!