Well, here are some rules to follow in the "NTSMS Secret Friend". Please, it's important to read this and do it:
1.When you'll receive the name of your SECRET friend (in your e-mail adress), it's absolutely important NOT to tell!! The name is "secret" or "invisible"... not the "everybody knows who is my friend"!
2.Try to think to which you are making the gift. Maybe it's difficult, there are some of us who you can know a lot how they are, and others not so much. But make an efford... <_<
3.Send it in the time which we'll say, no later. No problem if you cannot send the same day and send it the day after... but 1 month can be not good!!!
4.Don't send the gift with your usual e-mail adress. You can create a new one, or you can use a mail of a friend... It's important that your invisible friend cannot know who are you with your adress!!
5.After the sending of the gifts, you have to guess who is your invisible friend. Ask, act as the good double or triple agent that you are.
6.When your friend ask to you if you are the invisible friend, you cannot lie: you have to say the truth.
7.Not allowed sending PM or e-mail to all participants asking if they are the invisible friends. To avoid it, I'll open a topic only for this. Public guess and public agreements, only in this topic.
If I think some more rule, I'll post there. If anyone have more ideas, please, tell us!