I probably won't get many replies, but still I'd like to hear your views. Erm, read your views, anyway.
Yesterday I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End (the premiere of sorts here) and, um... well, I *am* a Pirates fan, so I'm a bit biased, aren't I?
I was blown away with how little they took themselves seriously - the movie is even a bigger funfest than the last two Pirates movies (which says quite a bit - those of you who've seen the legendary 'Wheel of Fortune' scene know what I mean). If you haven't seen the movie, I'd recommend it, but be warned - thar be plenty more o' Wheels where that came from.
Johnny would bring life to a broken-down drink dispenser and, Cthulhu be praised, by the end of the movie I lost the urge to tie Orlando Bloom's guts in a Gordian knot.
Keira is, apparently, Winston Churchill preincarnated.
Geoffrey has more arrs and yaarrs and har har har!s up his sleeve than you'd give him credit for.
Bill Nighy has a weird accent.
Kevin McNally is just plain fun.
Midgets and big guns don't mix. Or, rather, they do. So do undead monkeys and cannons.
The best place for a wedding is in the middle of a bloodbath. Brainstorm - a baptism would work well in such an occasion, too.
Tom Hollander has shipwright-issues.
Fun, fun, fun!
I won't go into spoiler-infested waters, because it's more fun to watch the movie with all the plot twists waiting around the corner. Then again, even if I told you everything, I'd still be a fun movie. And that's what I love about Pirates of the Caribbean - they're fun. It's the Indiana Jones of my generation... which is not to say that Indy didn't raise me (along with Han, mind you.... come to think of it, Harrison Ford was a surrogate father to me). But this... this is our movie, baby.
Oh, and, btw, Keith Richards rocks.
Pun intended.