Well, I think I'll buy the tickets to London soon, as now they're almost free (0.01 € + taxes, at the moment). So, if it happens I can go, I will already have it!! The bad thing is, more than anything, the hotel (I'll check it soon too, of course!) and the meals... I still think I won't be able to go, but I wish to go, but I won't be able to go, but I have to go...
If anybody has checked for hotels near the venue, please, can you share your infinite wisdom?
Another thing that worries me: I've read that the part of the city where Therion plays is... not very safe. If I go, I probably will go with Xiquet, but with him or without... I'd rather having more company in those dark and dangerous narrow streets
(perhaps I'm overreacting? Perphaps I am
). So, if Markus or any other member finally knows s/he will come, it would be nice to have a meeting and go all together
A last thing to say: I've heard that an important member of ES is going to go to this concert... nothing sure, but I've heard rumours... of very first hand