warning... These jokes are offensive, so please read them at your own risk.
How do you get 30 Cubans into an egg carton?
Tell them it floats
What's the first 3 words a Puerto Rican learns?
ATTENTION! Walmart shoppers!
...In ancient times in the garden on Eden, God beheld his creation Adam... He was bored, he had nothing to do, nobody to share his life with, so one day he came up to him and said: "Adam, I see you're like... Really bored... So, um, I was thinking... Ever wanted a partner?"
Adam replied: "Sure thing, paradise gets old pretty quick when you're alone"
God then proposed the next to Adam: for an eye, a leg, an arm, a part of his brain and a rib, he could give Adam the best partner he could ever imagine: smart, obedient, beautiful and much more... To that Adam replied: "Ehm... What will I get for just the rib?"
I must say that God did quite a fine job despite the lack of resources.