Now, after a long while we decide to return to our story.

Navigating through the sea, the "Carcinos" tumbled back and forth, the nights were long and harsh, filled with storms, high waves and intense rainfall. This was a nuisance for both the shaman and the wizard, but it was nothing compared to what lay ahead.
"We are soon to enter unexplored territories" said the sailor fearfully one night.
"Good, for our destination lies beyond the explored areas of these seas" replied Odenetl.
"Well, old man, I have no clue on how you will get to that destination of yours without a goddamned map... Well, like it existed anyway" argued the sailor.
"Look, we got you your expensive rum" replied the shaman "So you better do what we tell you. You know we could just stun you and throw you off your ship. Well, not like it was our initial intention, but we cannot risk mutiny"
The sailor stood silently for a second and then went back to the steering mechanism that controlled the ship's direction with angry looks. "Well, at least I hope Notessomes help me leading you pair of lunatics to wherever you are headed." he sighed as he sat down.
"It will, and so will the ancient spirits of nature that guide us" said the shaman "Now, turn a few degrees West"
Meanwhile, the young wizard lay on a small bed under a small cloth roof built especially for the captain (and usually only member of the crew) to rest. He looked up outside at the stormy night and how the two other men argued under the rain. "I guess I shouldn't have looked through the window" thought he as he traced back to a few days back, before anything serious, or kingdom-related had occurred. "I probably could be playing cards at the inn right now, or going out with some interesting girls from the village... Man, I regret looking through that window!"
As this thought passed through his head, the ship turned violently.
"I think we have hit the place where the big ugly bastard lives!" screamed the sailor.
"The Leviathan you mean?" Inquired Odenetl.
"Whatever you want to call it, old man. We better get out of here soon before it gets us"
Carth rose and picked up one of the sailor's harpoons.
"What are you doing kid?! Are you insane?!" He said as the smacked the harpoon from the wizard's hands. "Are you trying to get us all killed?!"
"What? You have to be ready for confrontation whenever it is necessary" argued Carth.
"Well, that bastard will eat the harpoon, and with it, you and the entire ship! Keep that damn thing down and don't pick it up. And don't even think about firing it. The creature will see an unusual and sudden movement, it will know we are here and eat us alive" replied the sailor in anger.
"So what do you suggest us to do?" asked the wizard.
"Well, if I was you, I'd go back to where I was and let me slowly get us out of this monster's grip." Said the sailor.
He steered the mechanism, and the ship moved. He slowly maneuvered it, making sure the ship did not move too fast. And suddenly, right behind the "Carcinos" a giant fin rose from the sea and went in back again. Then came another, and another. Always returning back into the unknown depths. Fear was in the sailor's heart, but he knew that if the beast did not see them, they would not be unfortunate victims of the horrendous sea monster.
And then, the scaly head of the monster rose from the sea. It was large, like that of a whale, and shaped like one as well, however its jaws were filled with long and pointy teeth, its eyes white and pale as snow. It opened its humongous jaw and let out a screech that could probably be heard on the other side of the sea. And its head returned into the waters.
"This is not good" said Odenentl. "It is calling for a mate... Apparently we are in that season of the year for marine beasts' mating. And this is when they are most aggressive"
"I'll move slowly, so it does not detect us" said the sailor.
"They are most aware of their surroundings at this moment as well" replied the shaman. "So, it must have seen us as well... I believe we are being offered as food for the female this thing will mate with"
"Oh man, we are doomed" said fearfully the wizard as he heard the shaman's words.
"What do you expect me to do now?! If I go fast, the thing will notice it, catch us and kill us" said the sailor.
"It cannot, or the female will kill it. It can catch us, but cannot eat us" replied Odenetl. "Now, I suggest you put that machinery at all power."
And so, hastily, the "Carncinos" sailed across the violent waters, jumping on waves, not stopping for anything.
"Turn the thing a few degress West!" screamed Odenetl to the sailor. "The spirits are telling me there is land not too far from here, and we will be safe from the beast there"
And so the sailor did. Five hours of intense rains and violent waves filled their journey. And they could view the beast rising from the sea at times. The chase was intense, and lasted until sunrise, when the ship crashed against high rocks and stopped moving. It was not far from a sandy shore. The three men were thrown off the board by the force of the impact and fell into the sea.
As they rose from the sea and unto shore the shaman said "We are here."
"Here, where?" asked the sailor.
"Our destination" said Odenetl "Now, relax, about your ship, you will receive a payment from the Queen for your heroic actions and will be able to buy at least ten more like that"
"What kind of nonsense are you speaking old man?!" exclaimed the sailor in anger. "We don't even know how to get back to the kingdom!"
"I think that Notessomes will safely lead us back" said Carth. "It didn't let us die back in the sea while chased by the sea monster."
"We had luck kid... But do you have any clue of where are we?!" screamed the sailor as he walked to towards a barrel from his ship that had been moved to the shore by the waves.
"Look, I know this kid is foolish" said the shaman "But he does speak the truth. Now you are stuck with us, so you have no other choice but to follow."
"Old man, you are insane! I have to follow you?! You don't even know where we are! How the hell do you expect me to follow you. And if I did, where would you lead me to?!" asked the enraged sailor.
"Lamia the witch" said Odenetl as he took out a small pipe out of his wet cloak.