Hi all!
The sender of this announcement is not Luthien, but the viruses who had lived and grown in her computer. We have noticed that today is Luthien's birthay, so we had decided give her a nice gift: WE HAD DISCONNECTED HER FOREVER FROM HER INTERNET CONNECTION. SHE CANNOT USE ANY BROWSER SINCE THIS MORNING!!! We know she will be so glad with our gift...
Oh, guys, see! Is not she Luthien? Hi Luth! How are you?
Luth- Oh, dear viruses, hi all! Please, come to me!
Viruses-No, no, it seems that you want to hurt us!
Luth-Nooooo... dear viruses, don't fear me. I love your fantastic gift. Come here, please, and I'll say you thanks...
Viuses-Oh, well, she seems telling truth. C'mon, go to her!!
Oh, arg, ouch! She is killing us!!
Help, help!! ARGGG!!!!
Hi NTSMS friends... you can see I have a nasty job for some time! I have to kill thousand of these fucking visuses (Chof!), but don't worry, when I would save all mi pc info (ARG! BANG!), I'll return. Meanwhile, (Ouch!), be patient. I'll be here so soon as I will can!
(arg, ouch, bang!!)