Hi folks,
after the desastrous Tour de France there's a big discussion about doping going on. In the the German press I've seen a couple of articles about doping in hobby sports. Now I've seen it myself.
As you may know I go to a gym regularly. Yesterday I talked about fat reduction to my trainer, and one of the other visitors recommended an anti-asthmatic substance to me. That would induce fat loss and muscle growth. Ah well, he said, there were side effects like heart racing or uncontrolled trembling. But hey, you could take the stuff for a couple of weeks and then stop it. I asked whether that substance wasn't only available on prescription. Possibly, he said, but you'd get it on the web. Ouch!
Seeing that guy I've always wondered whether he had taken anything. Now he's admitted it as if it wasn't anything special. I'm not really surprised, but still it's something different to know for sure.
Ah, just wanted to tell you. Thanks for listening.