Yes, I have to say that I like the elder hits too.
Actually one of my fav albums is still SM:HDHM... I love all of the songs on that album. I know it is different from GK or such stuff but I really adore it.

It's the dark side of Therion! : ))
I am especially fond of:
Dark Princess Namaah
The Ritualdance of Yezidis
Dawn of Perishness (OMFG - the bass parts!)
I even have it as CD (original...) I think it was my second bought after GK (I was Therionized when GK came out).

As I said, I like especially bout it that it's depicting the early "dark face" of Mr. Therion!

) When I listen to songs like A Black Rose or such (well, the whole two early albums - Lepaca and Symphony) I see the wild nature rising from the depths of everyone's soul, I see a raider party and one's soul wickedness "in all its beauty" as we say in Czech.
And I actually really enjoy that.

And I am crazily fond of the foreign & ancient languages lyrics!
For the more popular songs... the ones who are easier to digest for non-metal listeners I would pick:
Lemuria - my heart's song, what more to say? It makes me cry even when I listened to it already hundred times
Siren of Woods - Akkadian lyrics!

and it's close to my studies and the epic story which it contains!
Raven of dispersion - always scares away depressive state coming :-) absolutely great lyrics
The Birth of Venus Illegitima - very catchy melody :-)
The Desert of Set & Invocation of Namaah - Well... I have one personal reason for these. The most charming voice of Piotr W. !
Three Treasures - amazing guitar solo, best metal-one I ever heard!
For SOTR - in this case I would vote for whole album

but I really adore Helheim and Nifelheim.
And of course for Deggial it's
Via Noctura - for the absolutely amazin classy parts in it! Which make me feel like jumping in the forest with the Pan from Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream!
And for the SA and Lepaca I am not yet sure :-)