no comments needed...
Can you believe some people (Tuomas "
●" Holopainen included

) claim she acts like a diva!?

They know nothing I say... she does not ACT like a diva, she IS a diva!

Btw, I might send an invitation to the Finnish president Tarja Halonen to join my street team, for inviting Tarja to that celebration!

*Tarja Halonen*->

<- *Tuomas Holopainen*
Should we open a topic for Tarja discussion? 
No, I prefer to troll OFFy's topic while he can do nothing to stop me, because he does not have special powers on this forum...

Did you know that he locked 10 pages long Nightwish topic on the official forum!?

And need I say that 50% of posts were mine?

Speaking about trolling...
The old D&W is ok , new one is better though
I like them both, but I somehow prefer the old one... because it is darker, more raw and has the songs Fiddler on the Green and Blood on my Hands!