I like DT (especially tracks: Voices, Space Dye Vest, Home, Overture 1928/ Strange Daja Vu, etc...) but never heard this one. I have just some albums, not all.
Thanks for lyrics and thanks for good tip. 
No prob. Messa likes me some DT also. Ever been to one of their concerts? Great stuff. Saw the setlist for the one in Zagreb - they were supposed to play Home, but, for some strange reason, didn't. That... was a blow for me. But I managed to survive.
Honor Thy Father is from Train of Thought - a great album, I really recommend it, especially if you like DT. Endless Sacrifice is a must. As I Am also.
It's funny... on the concert, people will hum, sing and whatnot, each in his own way... but when the refrain to As I Am starts, I don't think there's a soul who stands still and says nothing.
To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
Take me as I am(That song by Ozzy - See You On The Other Side, makes me feel I am leaving forever all the bad things and begin a new life.

Loop it, then! Music kept me alive. Still doin' it, apparently.
Still Sabbathin'. The Warning again.