Yaaay!! Nice fantastic review, Markus!!

For my concert... apart from some little things, it was pretty much similar: I already knew that "O Fortuna" wouldn't be played fully, so no disappointment here. I didn't know about Lemuria, so it was a really nice thing! And no one asked for Kali Yuga 3, so no few lines of it singed

Apart from that, some few things happened just before the concert... Let's see:
-We met Ana (Markus, Lucy, do you remember her? The girl who was with us in the concert). She is a friend of Christofer's girlfriend, so she had a "special pass" (and she helped with language at the store!). We met up again in the concert itself.
-I already had the CD, so I didn't had to bought it... for me. A friend, known as Cszarlhee in TS, asked me to buy him the CD. I did, and when I met Christofer, I asked him to sign it for my friend, by the name he called him some time ago: "the Spanish Lucky Bastard". If anyone wish to know the reason, s/he'll have to ask privately. TS issue

Of course, he signed it and my friend already has the CD, after travelling by mail from Barcelona to the south of Spain. It was nice to have this signature, even when it was not for me

-At the concert, several plectrums were throwed to the crowd and, as we were pretty near (2nd/3rd row), some of them were near us. We couldn't get anyone during the concert, but Ana found one on the floor at the end. One of Christofer's one. Really nice, and customized!! Xiquet also found one, from the first band, also customized. Therion's one was better, but...

Markus, the song I said I liked the most was "J'ai le Mal de Toi". I had already heard it, because it's one of the videoclips, and I must say it was the same or better life... I'm in love with this sad, sad song

All in all, a fantastic concert!!!!