Tell us, Xinyue, please, how do you like Sitra Ahra so far?
Reading your feeling above, I need to admit that new fan's feeling is quit another thing. Without a general view ( I wonder I can't feel the little disappointment some of you feel at the first indeed, and the surprise some you found later.), I have some knowledge of them, but all in all, Therion is brand new for me.
Oh, I'm just jealous.

1.Introduction/Sitra Ahra - 5:24
Fall in love with it at first sight. The orchestral music is such a surprise.
Chorus is brainwashing, it loop in my head for a few days.
2.Kings of Edom - 8:51
(Maybe because I like Lori's performance on Live too much, I still can't get used with Therion's soprano in studio version. That was relievef later but has been still not with this song...)
I like the melody. I prefer the middle part most. Talk about the latter half, I was waved between "What'this?!" and "That's great!"
I can't decide, I need to play it again...
3.Unguentum Sabbati - 5:09
I like it! No explanation!
4.Land of Canaan - 10:32
A long song, I doubt if I can write as long as it is.
Some twists made me think the following is another song...But no, it better to be
one song.
Thomas Karlsson's lyrics always make me congratulate myself on the knowledge of all kinds of religions at first, then feel my shortage - No, that's far from enough!
5.Hellequin - 5:18
There is omething difference from existed Therion's impression on me at the beginning part.
Both on lyrics and the music arrange are wonderful. I like it!
6.2012 - 4:16
I should say I like the feeling of hysteria Peter sang in this song very much.
7.Cú Chulainn - 4:16
The rhyme in beginning part is an echo with
Hellequin I think?
8.Kali Yuga Part 3 - 3:41
Remind me of some parts in Secret of Runes.
I hadn't listen to the part 1 and 2 yet(oh...)
I like it.
[The first sentence"Kali Ma, Queen of Aeons"
Wow in fact my English name is Aeon...(I'm serious! I mean, even I chose it as my English name for fun, I truly use this name in all kinds of applications! )
Maybe I should change my English name to
Hail directly? ]
9.The Shells Are Open - 3:44
I love the rhyme soooooooooo much!
One of favorite songs in this album.

10.Din - 2:37
A little closed to death metal I think? I didn't listen to their early years songs yet.(I still have much to learn...

I feel happy about that.)
Stoped too suddenly, but still a nice arrangement to connect later song.
11.Children of the Stone: After the Inquisition - 7:22
Another one of my favourite songs in this album. When lyrics which has a little cruel feel is sang by children's voice, I always feel trill.
"Walk upon, the fields
When you´re reborn
You are the Children of the Stone
You cannot live on bread alone
You need the spirit too
We bring the founding stone
<<<This part, a little...I don't know how to express it but this part like the OST in the late '90s Chinese TV series...The first time I heard that I burst into laugh...a bit of weird.
But ask about the whole song, I like it very much.
And, as I judge an album by if there are more than 4 songs I like very much. I like
Sitra Ahra 
Wow,expressing these in English streessed me out, my Diamond Lady!
I even haven't written so much about music feeling in Chinese,
So I'm sorry that I wrote a so looooooong post again!