Thank You a lot for the tea

Yes, I already know what will be my worktime - 6 hours always from 12 - 18:00. When the new academical year beginns we will solve it with the schedule - now these 2 and half months they simply will give me some shifts.
My salary will be 70 CZK per hour netto - which is already more then I had in bookshop but unlike there - I will have only 6 hour shift instead of 11. But it should slowly grow up after months until 90 CZK netto

which is definitely more symphatic

Let's say that I would had 12 shifts on 6 hours - that's 72 x 90 - that's 6480,- that's only 72 hours per month - now I have to spend 100 hours at work to get 6600. That's nice.
Now in the beginning it won't be so nice but still, better than nothing.