What's wrong?
My esteemed vocally significant, rhythm-guitar playing colleague decided she can't make band practice today because :wshhh huumm kkkkk staticstaticstatic "...so I have to fix my Internet connection and..." wssshh hummm "...studying, you know..." whuushhh khmkhmhmmm:.
Problem is, she'll have time for a myriad of other people's concerts. She'll have time to go out. I studied what she's studying right now. Considering she's in her first semester, I can't think of anything that would be so important and difficult as to warrant
yet another "Sorry, can't make it, other stuff to do". We practice at night so everyone could make it.
Her goddamn idea.
If she wasn't the singer and damn good at it, I'd have murdered her in her sleep by now. Heck, I still might.
Also, I'm a timid bastard who doesn't really want a regular job. Sabotaging myself again, that's always fun. Should stop.