Thank you all!!!
Indeed, today it has been a good day. In the morning, I received my first gift: a 50 mm lens for my reflex camera. A pretty good lens I was looking forward for some long time!
Luch at my parents home, and in the evening, going to the theatre with them and my aunt (her b-day gift) and, of course, Xiquet! Then, dinner at home with sushi and Barça in the telly. Now, I only need Barça winning, and it will be the perfect day!!!!
Unluckily, I had been so busy that I had no time for any speech on television... I'm sorry! But I prefer a more personal approach than the cameras... I prefer talking to you directly by here! That's waaay closer and warmer than any public speech!
Eats some of the feast One's prepared for her. Munches, munches, munches...It has been good to know some few of you, of course!! And I wish to meet you again and more if possible!!!
Muches muches muches...Cheers for you all!!!!!