Nice dogs guys!
I'd like to have a dog, but I would n't dare to have it in the small appartment where I live now. I'll have to move first.
To be on topic, I have two choices:
1. A killer whale. A very smart, social and merciless killer. Damn, that would be cool!
However, there are two problems with being a killer whale, you could finish up doing stupid movies such as Free Willie, and It would be very hard to feed on cats like the Sirus crocodile would do.
Thus, my second option: 2. I would like to be a ricktessia, more specifically a
Haemobartonella felis.
This little fellow is a nice cat parasite which make cats experience depression, weight loss, decrease in appetite, and anemia. When the infection is too severe, the immune system is compromise, which can lead to the development of feline leukemia, even AFTER the infection has been controlled. A perfect killer, it can kill a cat even after been erradicated!!!
He-he-he... NO-Live to cats!