How does NTSMS look like? Oh, sure, we can all post pics from RL, but who'd want to see something like that?
No! Make-believe visions of ourselves are much more fun.
Clickie!Uncle Meez wants you!
So... this is basically me. The overall look and feel of the room is eeriely on par with the actual look and feel of my room. Minus the window-based bass.
I'd prefer a Therion T-shirt, but the good people at Meez didn't have any. Lousy right-winged party poopers.
As can be seen on yonder gif animation, me and Steven Willson share a certain sexy quality that could melt even the most frigid of ice cubes, while my hair, although undeniably attractive, changes in color with the seasons, revolving around the general brownish thing it's got going. Used to wear it longer, but genes... y'know.
I'm a sexy shoeless god of war.How 'bout youz?