one of the main topics in Germany today is the climate change again. An institute for economy research published a study on how much the consequences of the climate change will cost - protection for buildings, damages due to floods and storms, misharvests, additional health costs due to heat waves and the like... Does anyone have 800 billion Euro at hand? That's how much we'll need until 2050 alone...
Somehow, Roland of Gilead comes to mind.
The world has moved on. The world seems to be moving on, ignoring us in the process. Rightly so, might I add.
Some of these say "Do we want to raise our children like the communists did?" while others say "Calm down. Think of communism what you may, but nursery schools will help us solve some of our problems."
Do we want to raise our children so they grow up to be humane or human? Pick one. I'm not sure you can have both.
Communism isn't bad nor is it evil. Bolshevism, human interpretation of basically good ideas... now that's what we need to fear. I feel communism is, in essence, being seen as the opposite of the American Dream - while the latter is idealized as the epitome of freedom, the former is seen as the product of Satan's crotch. Both have destroyed lives, countries and small-scale grocery shops.
Here, where communism had an awkward relationship with capitalism from the 50es to the 80es and where the neighboring, erm, fractions took advantage of everyone they could on a daily basis, everyone shuns all things lefty. Even Serbs, who were dominant in Yugoslavia, are mostly right-winged. (Won't even start with Croats...)
Sad, really.
Personally, I'm politically naive and, as a result, am a liberal.
I'm a lefty. Marx has some shiny ideas, but collectivism isn't really my cup of tea - I'm pro-individualism. Eh, and pro-creation.
Oooh, these subtle puns of mine really make me shiver

What was my point? Oh, yeah. Thinking about something in terms of
historical human interpretation is, in my opinion, extremely pointless. If someone else didn't get it right, who's to say we won't?
That being said, when thinking about your children's future, I'd suggest you go with the best available option, not the most politically acceptable.
This is probably offtopic. If it is, I apologize. Felt the urge to comment and then got carried away.