I can't find my Therion albums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I can find the original ones (Lemuria/Sirius B, and Celebrators of Becoming). But all the other ones, all downloaded (

), the ones I heard first and make me love this band... where are they? I used to keep them in a CD-case (one of those to keep 24 CD to travel with them), and I can't remember where the case is. I turned the house upside down, and nothing

I know I have them, but... WHERE??!?!?!?!
Now, I have to decide: download them again? make use of the opportunity to buy them? Well, I know I can find some of the albums, but to find all of them is quite hard, so buy ALL them is quite impossible, at least in a few time, so I think I'll do the following: download all them again, and buy some of them when I'll can.
My collection, where is it?