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The bands you DON'T like

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The One:
Inever liked Good Charlotte and Simple Plan. I never liked ABBA nor A-Teens, all of those bands sucked...

Sorry if someone mind,but I don't like Marduk
I don't like some underground Norwegian black metal bands
Nor I like Manowar-barbarians,thights,yeah,we are though,aren't we?...etc

Luths Cat:
There is this Swedish band that Luthien is always listening at home... it drives me crazy!!!! :062802beat_prv: ... What is its name?.... The rion?... something like that.


--- Quote ---There is this Swedish band that Luthien is always listening at home... it drives me crazy!!!! :062802beat_prv: ... What is its name?.... The rion?... something like that.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, hate that band too...
How can Luth listen to that crap?

/me goes to ban dd

Btw... let me reply the question, although a little late...

As some of you have stated, I can't say one band I dislike, as there are "genres" I don't like as a whole: I don't like death metal (only if it's not pure... let's say... middle Therion albums like Lepaca can be hearable for me, or some growls on some bands like Haggard, Tristania...). I also dislike (this time, FULLY dislike) black metal, so don't ask me for names, because I don't know them.

Besides that, I can't say a lot. I prefer to say what I like than the contrary  :blush:


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