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The bands you DON'T like

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Yup, I cannot listen to Manowar either. Their Warriors Of The World's is nothing but spectacular, huge mistake I did when I bought it some years ago!

I mean they wear furry underwear! They can't be serious :afraid1:

I don't like Overkill 'cuz I think the singer's voice is too annoying, and it drives me nuts  :wacko:


--- Quote ---Yup, I cannot listen to Manowar either. Their Warriors Of The World's is nothing but spectacular, huge mistake I did when I bought it some years ago!

I mean they wear furry underwear! They can't be serious :afraid1:

I don't like Overkill 'cuz I think the singer's voice is too annoying, and it drives me nuts  :wacko:
--- End quote ---

*plays House of Death VERY loud so that Eresh can hear it in her house*  :P

And Nessun Dorma is something that not many bands could even attempt!  Sure their earlier stuff is actually more fun, but Manowar are still great!  Who cares about furry clothes and dodgy image!  This band writes music that is lots of FUN!  Eric Adams is a great singer, and Warriors of The World has some good tunes on it.  Go on, I dare you to play it again!  Smile with it!  -_-

Hail & Kill!

I've tried to like Manowar, but I fail. MAYBE...just MAYBE I'll give another listen, but right now it is Chuck Schuldiner's time.  :pop: All hail the master  :pop:

Black Wolf Fenrir:
well, i don't manage to listen to grind\death metal =))
Some power metal bands are stupid becuase they are too similar to each other... Same lyrics, same song-structure... =\

AND I HATE NU-metal. Puke. It's completely commercial music without spirit and soul of METAL

Nu metal is not metal.


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