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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #360 on: July 09, 2013, 08:33:48 pm »
Ooops - what an embarrassing error but honest reaction. And as they were brilliant otherwise, I think they can be forgiven. :lol3:

I'm glad that you had such a fine concert night, Jorge!


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #361 on: September 24, 2013, 07:35:43 pm »
Ok, a little late, but I owed you!! Let me tell you a little about what the MMVV is. First of all, the "MMVV" stands for "Mercat de Música Viva de Vic" (Live Music Market of Vic). These are 4 days full of concerts in every corner of the city, not a very big one, but with plenty of plazas (I think more than 60... in every corner there is a plaza, big or small!). The idea is:

-There are the official concerts, the ones you can see in the official programme, some of them for free, some of them you have to pay (usually short, and not cheap at all). There is the main plaza (the Market Plaza), where at night there are the biggest, most crowded concerts, for free. Also in certain parts of the city, in places prepared for those days. All kind of music: pop, rock, alternative, hip-hop, ethnic...

-Apart the official concerts, there are the "unofficial ones", those you can find in any plaza at any time. And those are, in my opinion, the most interesting! For instance: on Saturday we had lunch in a little plaza, while hearing one of those bands playing in front of us. It was a "typical Spanish" music (rumba and similar), but good enough, and pretty happy. It was a good music to eat with!

Last year we went there for first time, but only for a day, and we had to come back home (1h by car), so we felt we missed too much. This year we got a hotel room (the hotel was just above the Train Station!! Luckily, it was sound-proof. No train woke us!), for two nights: we arrived Friday evening, after work, and we left Sunday afternoon. So, our first night was Friday's night. Xiquet is in guitar forum, and he knew two of the users who have each of them a band which had to play that evening, two of these unofficial concerts, in a plaza with a Irish pub. So we went to the pub, we drank a couple of beers and had dinner (pizza), while hearing the two bands. The first one was pretty good (popish, but not bad at all) and the second one, rockabilly. The second one I liked a lot!!  :music: After these concerts, we went to the Market Plaza and saw a little of Macaco (pretty important band here). We were tired and headed to bed.

Saturday. We go to the market plaza... to see the market!! It's an important one, very big and with plenty of everything: food of all kinds (vegetables, fruits, meat, mushrooms...), clothes, handycraft... Really big and nice! For lunch, the little plaza I talked about with the small "rumba" band. After that, walking by the streets while encountering here and there more bands of all kinds. See a band, stop to hear (more or less depending on how you like them), all afternoon. Finally, we go to one of the official concerts I wanted to assist to: a sefardí and andalusí "band" (sefardí = medieval jews in the south of Spain; andalusí = Spanish Arabs, also from medieval times). Very interesting, and very different! Good and nice musical instruments, arabic chants and even a cunning song from the sefardí tradition. After that concert, a Brasilean one. Before going to bed, still another concert, in the Market Plaza, from "Gossos", another very important Catalan band.

Sunday. Ok, this day was the least musical of all... few concerts left and all at the evening, when we wanted to be at home. So we said "good bye" to Vic, and "Since next year!!"!

If you want to get an idea of how much music there was, a little anecdote: Saturday, before going to the sefardí andalusí band, I asked for a quiet place. I found a plaza without music in it (there was in both sides, but far enough for me not to hear too much. I needed a moment of "musical rest". I meant... I need to hear the silence for a while!! Of course, that was just before going to a "marathon" of little music concerts...  :evil2:

If anyone wants to know what it feels like, every year in the middle of September there is this festival. Anyone want to join?  :ninja: :fish:

PS. Soon I'll post some pictures and even videos... but you have to be patient!!!  :ninja: :fish:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:01:36 pm by Luth »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #362 on: September 24, 2013, 09:40:39 pm »
The sefardí andaulsí group! (poor quality image... sorry!)

Gossos ("Dogs")

Here a band...

Another band (Six in Town: the rockabilly one!)

The guitarrist is one of the guys who Xiquet knew through that forum:

More bands...

This band is from near our town!

The "rumba" band, while we were eating:

Very young musicians from the music school in Vic:

Bad image quality... but here there is "Macaco", pretty famous (and the plaza absolutelly croweded!!)

Finally, you can watch some videos, if you feel like it:

"Mixu", the band with the guitarrist from that forum...

Another song from "Mixu".

Six in Town, the rockabilly band! (and this is the less rockabilly songs of them, I think...

The band from near our town.

A Brasilean samba.

As you can see, not all of them are professional (in fact, only the ones in the big plazas are). Some are very good, some are pretty good... A pity I've no video from the sefardí andalusí...  :ninja:

Even so, I've found this song in YouTube, and the singer is the one of Vic's concert.  :yeha:

PS. I can only see half of the photos. Does it happen to you, too?  :afaid:

« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 10:19:41 pm by Luth »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #363 on: December 23, 2013, 06:25:23 pm »
Frankfurt, 22nd of December 2013, at the new Batschkapp - support acts:

Soundstorm: Decent metal with double lead vocals, a guy for the rougher stuff plus a girl for the higher regions. Fast and hard, a great starter that got the crowd going. Nothing original but technically very well done and big fun to listen.

Coma: A polish band covering for "The Devil" who were not playing for some reason. Fine progressive metal, but more enjoyable with your eyes closed because their lead singer was quite weird. The guy was wearing heavy rouge on his cheeks, had pink clogs and undescribable pants. His voice was good but I don't wish to describe his performance any closer. Perhaps it's cool when you get used to it but I didn't have the time to cope with it. In fact I think the crowd cooled down a little during their set - I did for sure. Pity!

Arkona: I had heard only praise for these folks before, so I was very curious about them and was not disappointed. Very melodic, very powerful, very much variety - from almost shamanic stuff to pure powerful fun. Full of energy all the time, and the crowd really caught the spark. A small moshpit formed behind us, but I did not join it this time because I wanted to stay intact for Therion.
Speaking of which: At one song Christofer and Christian joined Arkona to play with them! :wOOt:
Really a discovery. Eduardo wondered whether Masha would marry him but did not get a chance to ask her. :lol3: I bought two of their albums; one was already signed by Masha and I got the signature of the pipe guy on top.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 12:35:20 am by Markus »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #364 on: December 23, 2013, 06:26:22 pm »
Frankfurt, 22nd of December 2013, at the new Batschkapp - main act:

Therion: What a long and splendid show!
They did not play all of Vovin, they left out "The Opening" from the Drakonian Trilogy. But apart from that they really did all the album, including the instrumental intros & endings. The arrangements were very similar to the album versions, no big surprises there. "Clavicula Nox" was good; they did it heavier on the guitars this time. But it was good that they didn't try to repeat Miskolc, because that was unique, anyway. Anyway, great to hear this album live and the time just flew by. Linnea did a great job on "Raven of Dispersion" if you ask me, varying the melody quite nicely with her clear voice.
Then stuff I'd never heard before: The opera. Not all of the songs have totally convinced me up to now. The overture did not really speak to me, and I had expected "Onda Toner" to sound weirder, more devilish. The other three I found very touching, with "Who is your God?" and the final song being my favourites so far.
After that, the classics part. "Flesh of Gods" and lots of SOTR stuff. I did not quite recognise the intro of "Muspelheim" at first but enjoyed it greatly because some musicians from Arkona joined Therion for this one. :wOOt: Masha, the pipe player and - well, someone else. You could see that they were getting along with each other very well, treating each other very cordially.
They left the stage and after some clapping and shouting came back because they had "forgotten to play some songs from a special album" - i.e. "Invocation of Naamah" and of course the inevitable "For To Mega Therion". They invited the crowd to sing along a lot during the last one, and at last all my workouts payed off when I was able to bounce with the inofficial band anthem and still could sing along all the time without getting out of breath.
The second and last encore was "Lemuria" with lots of singing along. As you already said, that felt like a big family gathering.
The musicians were obviously having fun, enjoying themselves, fooling around with each other a lot. In the end they even shared some wine and some beer (last show of the tour!) and thanked all the crew. They threw a lot of stuff into the audience, including a towel that Christofer had used to dry Linneas décolleté, :fish: but somehow most of this seemed to fall into the gap between the stage and the security fence.
Long and splendid show by Therion, which ended at midnight after 4,5 hours of metal with only short breaks between the bands. Envy us, ye who could not be there!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 12:37:37 am by Markus »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #365 on: December 25, 2013, 10:13:24 pm »
Hey folks,

Xiquet's review for his guitar-forum is in Spanish, but it has very fine photos. Be sure to check it!


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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #366 on: December 25, 2013, 11:06:32 pm »
Yup, he was fast... and posted the photos before I did!  :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

Perhaps later (tomorrow or the following) I post these photos on Flickr. If there are more of them, I'll post them here!  :wOOt:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #367 on: December 26, 2013, 09:25:24 am »
Great photos! Could you please post somewhere the pic you've got after the show (when the pipes player came in?) I spoke to him, he told me he was totally drunk and he's not sure he remembers you (but when he sees the pic he might remember :P)

Have you told him my best regards?  :blush:

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #368 on: December 26, 2013, 09:05:41 pm »
By the moment, I give you my Flickr album where the pictures from the supporting bands and THERION are posted.

Aaaaand... Uploaded into a different album, as it's a very special item Xiquet collected, and I don't want to share too much...


In case you're wondering, yes, it's the pick Christofer used during the concert...  :evil2:
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 09:12:07 pm by Luth »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #369 on: December 27, 2013, 07:12:43 am »
I guess I've got one of Chris' pics at 2012 or 2010 concert too :)