Author Topic: Discrimination  (Read 9366 times)

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Offline Loke

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« on: May 07, 2009, 02:11:59 pm »

  In the last weeks everyone ( i guess ) has been listening about the new Flu Virus AH1N1 that is spreding around the world.

Sadly, thought this virus didnt start in Mexico, it found its greatest concentration here, and therefore lots of mexican people are being dicriminated, allienated and isolated when they travel to other countries.

Through this mean i ask you for your comprehension and difusion of this matter, since the main reasons for these acts are ignorance and missinformation, this forum has always been characterised for its great number of brilliant minds, and that's why i request for your help. Though i am not completely mexican, my concern on the discrimination issues would be the same if we were talking about me home land. Spred just reliable info, inform yourselves, and please dont discriminate, mexicans are not lepers, mexican pork is safe to eat, not even the 0.00001% of mexican population is infeceted, just 10 people have died of this infection, pooor people with no access to doctors on time, according to the organization is safe to travel to mexico. Thx for your attention, have a nice one.

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Offline lavaniegosII

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 09:42:21 pm »

  In the last weeks everyone ( i guess ) has been listening about the new Flu Virus AH1N1 that is spreding around the world.

Sadly, thought this virus didnt start in Mexico, it found its greatest concentration here, and therefore lots of mexican people are being dicriminated, allienated and isolated when they travel to other countries.

Through this mean i ask you for your comprehension and difusion of this matter, since the main reasons for these acts are ignorance and missinformation, this forum has always been characterised for its great number of brilliant minds, and that's why i request for your help. Though i am not completely mexican, my concern on the discrimination issues would be the same if we were talking about me home land. Spred just reliable info, inform yourselves, and please dont discriminate, mexicans are not lepers, mexican pork is safe to eat, not even the 0.00001% of mexican population is infeceted, just 10 people have died of this infection, pooor people with no access to doctors on time, according to the organization is safe to travel to mexico. Thx for your attention, have a nice one.

yo yo yo

I am completly agree with Loke. Stupid people all around the world is discriminating mexican folks due they ignorance of the situation. It is not a one nation problem. It is not the ¨Mexican Flu¨. In this global era where the media is the new cathedral of the people, every part of the whole world is involved. So let the discrimination dissapear, and open yourself for analitical information.

Now I´ve been analizing the information (i have half time of comunication clasess in my carreer) I´m pretty sure this ¨pandemia¨ is more or less a farse, and it has its roots in a political movement.



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Offline Lady Sa'iltu

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 11:05:00 pm »

  In the last weeks everyone ( i guess ) has been listening about the new Flu Virus AH1N1 that is spreding around the world.

Sadly, thought this virus didnt start in Mexico, it found its greatest concentration here, and therefore lots of mexican people are being dicriminated, allienated and isolated when they travel to other countries.

Through this mean i ask you for your comprehension and difusion of this matter, since the main reasons for these acts are ignorance and missinformation, this forum has always been characterised for its great number of brilliant minds, and that's why i request for your help. Though i am not completely mexican, my concern on the discrimination issues would be the same if we were talking about me home land. Spred just reliable info, inform yourselves, and please dont discriminate, mexicans are not lepers, mexican pork is safe to eat, not even the 0.00001% of mexican population is infeceted, just 10 people have died of this infection, pooor people with no access to doctors on time, according to the organization is safe to travel to mexico. Thx for your attention, have a nice one.

yo yo yo

It's the main problem of society!
The problem is not this virus, it's just the reason. Yes, of cause, many people are afraid of this flu, but there lots of those who are just glad to find a reason to discriminate someone (it doesn't metter who could be their victim)...
For example, when Saakashvili was bombing S.Osetiya, several guys who knew that I had Georgian roots, looked at me like at a leper, but at the same time, abroad, I was a public enemy again - because I live in Russia and feel like a Russian... It's just an example... Such things happen everytime everywhere - reasons are different but the problem is the same. It's because of their stupidity, manipulations of the media, weakness of minds, etc. People are the usual slaves in someone's strong hands...

PS: i'm not BlackRose)))
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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 03:25:43 am »
If Rosie was here, this topic would be so butchered. :ninja:

In my opinion, why discriminate people for their nationalities? That's just plain stupid... Same goes for ethnicity. I have nothing against Mexico, in fact, I'd love to live there again!... And this flu matter is exaggerated in the media lately. They made a bigger deal out of it than what it really is.

The only thing that I'd discriminate for is ignorance and stupidity... But I don't think even that is politically correct!
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Offline Lady Sa'iltu

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2009, 04:52:37 pm »
I'd discriminate those who discriminate others with no "sober" reason ;).
"Die gewöhnlichsten Irrschlüsse der Menschen sind diese: eine Sache existiert, also hat sie ein Recht." (F. Nietzsche)

Offline Majestic Beast

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2009, 06:22:35 pm »
That's pretty sad. People get paranoid so easily.

As for me, I'm not impressed at all giving the fact that the death rate of this virus is a little above 1%. We just have to stay alert reading how much this is expanding all over the world, getting info on how to reduce the chance of being infected, taking care when travelling abroad (mainly for these countries like Mexico or USA), and first of all hearing what the health authorities say, etc. That way I think we are 100% protected against this menace.

Offline Markus

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2009, 08:39:54 am »
Hi folks,

alright, lets consider this situation with a cool and clear mind.

1. Is the new H1N1 dangerous? Well, its death rate is about 1 percent. Doesn't sound scary, does it? But don't forget that it's a new virus which noone is immune against, so it can easily spread globally and infect many millions. Every year a "normal" flu kill thousands of people alone in Germany... One percent of, say, 50 millions? You do the calculation. Does the result sound harmless to you?

2. Imagine a new virus appears. You know that it has the potential to kill hundredthousands of people even it doesn't turn out to be especially dangerous. It is resistant against common medication, and a vaccine still needs to be developed. Luckily you have discovered it in a very early phase. So far it has infected only 3440 and killed "only" 48 of them (9th of May 2009). If you were to decide, what would you do? Lean back, saying "Oh well, this one won't bring up Harmegiddon, I guess." and give an indifferent yawn? Or would you try to slow down its spread? There's no way to stop it, of course, but you can slow it down. Wouldn't it be a fine idea to have an eye on airports, lest the virus goes speed-travelling by plane?

3. If you do so, if you set up checks at the airport for people coming from the area where the virus has occured, if you check those that have recently been there - would that be discrimination? Would you be judging anyone by their nationality, gender, religion,...? No! You'd be checking Germans, US-Americans, Chinese, Jews, atheists, Mexicans, women, vegetarians, blacks, Non-NTSMS-members, tie-wearers, tattoed persons etc.pp. all alike - and for a very reasonable reason. You won't go check the Mexican restaurant owner down the street, would you? So how could anyone accuse you of discrimination?

I think that the means taken by the officials have been surprisingly reasonable; obviously they are aware of a danger without panicking. I still think that the media attention is a bit exaggerated. Of course I think that everyone is stupid who goes panicking and abuses this threat to really discriminate people, but I don't see this happening from any official institutions.


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Offline Lady Sa'iltu

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2009, 08:23:59 pm »
I don't know, but it seems to me that that people (who died I mean), they may have hoped that they would feel better soon and didn't have treatment, and maybe,even worked. There're a lot of such people who hope that everything will be OK soon... It's the main reason of different complications and even deaths...
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Offline Loke

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2009, 01:34:49 pm »

I think that the means taken by the officials have been surprisingly reasonable

I find no reason in kidnap mexicans, cheat them, deceive them, and allienate 'em in a run-down-crapy.rat-infested-filthy hotel, as the chinese government did, after the citizens had already passed all the check ups, there is no reason in stop buying mexican meat, there is no reason in closing your airport to all mexican flights, there is no reason not to extend visas, there is no reason for not comming to mexico to play your futbol matches, believe me, im not against prevention, or any meassure that helps contain the virus whatsoever, but also believe me when i tell you, there has been discrimination, a lot.

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2009, 01:56:45 pm »
Hey Loki,

I’m sure that Markus didn’t mean any of the above mentioned sad things as ”reasonable”, but this is what he called ”exaggerated media attention”. I understand that you are deeply upset and sad, but we all are with you (and Lava), and I wish we could help you and your country better. :(

Offline Aluqak

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2009, 01:49:28 pm »
Hi there,
Yep, I do understand how Mexicans are feeling. I have many friends in Mexico, and I myself am planning to go and live there for a few years at the end of this year.
Are the measures taken by the WHO too much restrictive? Probably not. As Markus said, when a new killer virus arises you should take precautions first and ask questions later. Now that we know that the pathogenic level of the virus is lower than expected, we may say they were too alarmist. But that's after having asked the questions and had taken the precautions. Unfortunately, with the amount of people travelling around the world you cannot do otherwise. People have to be isolated, treated with care, etc. ... That's exactly what people did a few years ago when the SARS arose. Back then, it was the Chinese, the Taiwanese... and the Canadians. Now is the Mexicans turn... and the Spanish, and the Canadians too!
Many tourists from northern Europe have cancelled their holiday trips to Spain, because Spain is the European country with more cases. Russia forbade all importations of Spanish pork (including the delicious and harmless jamón serrano). Canadian tourists also got the treatment Loke was referring to when they got to China (because Canada also got some cases of new flu). Do the Mexican media talked about that? I'm not sure. So, as Markus said. It's almost every "infected" country that is getting "special treatment" from the Chinese, not only Mexico.

Have some governments exaggerated their measures? Yes! ... suspending flights from Mexico was harsh, avoiding that the Mexican football teams could play their games is South America was definitively too much.

Is there discrimination? We will see. Now that there are more confirmed positive cases in the US than in Mexico we will see if France, Argentina, Cuba or Brazil will make the same proposition they made about the flights coming from Mexico with the flights coming from the US.

So, all in all, I think there is a lot of misinformation spreading. Both in Mexico and elsewhere in the world. So, the best we can do is stay calm, do not try to victimize ourselves (or other paople), avoid any contact with people who show flu symptoms, or with all people if it's us who show those symptoms. We are near a pandemia know and we are not "safe" anywhere. However, the good news if that the virus does not kill much

.... yet (because mutations do happen). So let's enjoy life and have a beer or.... twelve?  :drunk:
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 02:18:04 pm by Aluqak »
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Offline Loke

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Re: Discrimination
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2009, 08:19:56 pm »

  I agree on the beers tread,

  Look, my main concern is that i'm soon to travel to several countries in europe and have a mexican passport , so i hope everything goes well by then.


   yo yo yo 
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