Hi everyone,
I would like to try to put down in words some sensations about
Sitra Ahra...
First of all, I normally force myself not to go too high on expectations about new albums as I think one has to respect the artists freedom and needs. What I am saying for exmaple is that I try not to demand from (lets say) Iron Maiden another
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son or get upset with them for not doing it. Fortunately,
Therion always delyvers
"da shit" as the kids say today. High quality albums in wich you easilly perceive so much dedication, care and a will to continue pushing the horizons. This values made IMO the core of all Therion works.
Still, I tried to aproach Sitra Ahra with and open and clear mind. An effort that soon proved to be unnecessary because the album inmediatly caught my soul or what's left of it.
One of the things I love from this album is that kind of
"arcane" feeling it injects. I like specially the
"theatrical" touchs (
Phantom of the Opera influence in
Unguentum Sabbati anyone?) and as always that
middle-east and exotic arrangements in the melodies. I cannot review each song or pick a few as favourites becasue everytime I want to listen to one in particular I end up listening the whole disc again and again. In fact, I think the disc is better apreciated playing it from start to finish.
I've found in
Sitra Ahra an excellent album and a very representative piece of
Therion's works.
Thanks Lord Chtulhu for