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Memories of the year 2007.
« on: December 31, 2007, 12:55:46 pm »
How did you spent this year?
Was it better or worst than years before?
Would you like to repeat it?
Did you make any decisions and kept to them for the whole year?
What are you decisions for the next year?

...and so much more...
Write it down before the year is gone... ...gone forever  :afaid:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2007, 12:58:06 pm »
Thanks for Great topic! I like Your idea a lot  :wOOt:

Actually I am not strong enough to think now. I will have to take some sleep in the afternoon and then in the evening when I am bored here at my pc, I will write my summary down!  :wink2:
But then again, who does.

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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2007, 01:12:41 pm »
This year is the best year in my life... and at the same time, it is my worst year in my life.
So I guess you can split it in two.
I spent it with lots and lots of social activities, and other half with loneliness and social isolation that I got through only few months ago.
I spent it with unseen(for myself) school achievements.

Would I like to repeat it?
It is the most strong experience in my whole life... It changed me from the foundations of my personality and I became much, much stronger person.
I think all the good thing were worth of all the bad things, and since I'm a new man now... I would not get my self in bad position again in the first place.

Decisions I made last year and kept them to this one...
To be better at school. To find good friends. To get involved in sport activities....
And lots of those I didn't kept. 

I made a lots of new decisions. I have to find much more friends and eliminate a lots of old "friends".
I have to study more. Less laziness, more activity. Alto I live a healthy life, I think it can be healthier.
I need to stop drinking alcohol, I drink it in very small quantities and rarely, but I want to stop completely.

Hope new year will rock!!!  :wicking:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2007, 01:43:09 pm »
Wondeful topic, Deathy! I agree with You – this was the best and the worst year ever for me too. I think this was the year when I really became an adult, because I decided on my own and stuck to my decisions, fully assuming the responsibility. I wouldn’t repeat this year, but it was needed to live. Maybe.

- It’s been the best because I could host two NTSMS meetings in my home.
- I’ve met MissSwan in February too.
- I could see three Therion concerts in my country, and we had Gothic Kabbalah in January.
- I got to know a very special someone with whom we became like twin sisters.

- It’s been the worst because I did things I regret a lot. I wish I could keep my secrets better next year – but I think it isn’t possible. I’m simply not that kind.
- This was the year when I cried the most.

For the new year to come: I want to be healed.

I’d like to say aloud here that if I’ve hurt anyone, I didn’t do that with intent. :( Please forgive me! I can’t live with a guilty coscience. :'(
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 12:16:16 pm by Lucy »

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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2007, 04:17:23 pm »
Great topic, thanks for opening  :thumbup:

2007 was also for me the best year and the worst year ever

Would I repeat it? maybe, I don´t know - it has to be lived, I learned a lot, got stronger, found out about myself (unfortunately due to bad issues this year I can´t live this new part of my live as I maybe could have done now), met great people and so on -
but I think instead of living 2007 again 2008 will be the better option  :biggrin:

Big hugs to all
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 05:46:07 pm by Shelley »
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2007, 04:36:57 pm »
This was definately the most important year of my life...

What are you decisions for the next year?

I made a decision not only for the next year but for the whole life! :) I have decided to quit my math PhD studies! And I am very happy I had the strength to make that decision despite huge pressure from the environment not to do so... :yeha: The reason is that I realized I don't want to be university professor in my life... instead I want to be math teacher in the school. Humble, but I'm now 100% sure that is what I really want. And I'm very happy because of that. :) During the last year, which I've spent working at TU Berin, I realized how much I dislike that job. For example, I need to referee some paper and I just cannot start... every day I say - tomorrow... :bye: On the other side, during my high-school and the faculty I had constantly held private math lessons, visiting chidren at their homes and earning my pocket money. And it NEVER happened to me that I wasn't in the mood for that... NEVER in 8 years! The choice is clear... at least for me! :thumbup: I wish it were for my environment too... :-\ Some people try to persuade me to change my mind by constantly repeating how university professors have 5 times bigger salary than math teachers. But that does not work on me anymore... I don't want that if I won't have time to do things I like... to listen music, to read books, to meet people and speak with them... about everything! Or even worse to lose the ABILITY to do so, even when the time for that emerges! :ninja: And I think I've already started losing that ability... so I want to quit untill it's too late... :afaid:

Other important memories of this year are definitely Berlin, a city with sooooooo much trees I call it "a forest-city"... Wacken Open Air(:yeha:)... and the fact I finally bought a good telescope! I've been dreaming about that for the last 10 years... ^_^

edit: and NO, no repeating... ;D
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2007, 05:46:02 pm »
Looking in general this year was far the best from all..
I've seen some places..met some really great people..saw my very first Therion concert.. :yeha:..
from bad things..I don't know I always find something..still a lot of misunderstandings with my parents..but I get along quite well with my brother..each year better.. :thumbup:..
Hmmm..but I was dissapointed and hurt by people who I called friends..(at least now I know who are my real friends)..
actually it was the best year I've ever had..
For next year I hope it will be successful..I hope I'll pass all exams and matura very well and than  got to university..still don't know which one..
And I'm determined to quit smoking..for good..

and I wouldn't mind going through this year was the best and the easiest..never again 17 and never again with all those people..I think this year for the first time I felt really happy and loved.... :)..great I'm making progress.. :thumbup:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2007, 06:20:15 pm »
This year, I can say... it has been my best year, with no doubt. I've had some bad moments when I didn't found a job as fast as I wanted, for instance. But the best thing has happened: I've moved to a new home with my b.f.  :wub: And, until now, it has been the best thing I ever did  ^_^

Next year... I don't know about next year. Perhaps I know if I finally am contracted for longer time in my current job, I'll eventually get my driving license (yes, working on it yet  :ninja: )... I hope it will be near as good as this one, and I will be happy  :lol:

I wish next year to be the best, or very good, for all of you. I mean it!  :ninja:   :wink2:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2007, 07:27:25 pm »
Year 2007 was very successful for me. I think that even with very big problems and depressions it was the best year ever in my life till today. Till today (:

I don't want to mention all bad things... let the minuses be... let them go.
This year was so great because some very important things happend in my life. I could call them coincidences and I could call them luck.
Firstly, I started to listen to Therion - I mean really. I heard S.O.T.R already before Gothic Kabbalah album but not until this album was released I did not notice the band so much.
It was my graduation year and I had problems to learn anything... but when the situation at home with my father and finances was the worst Therion new album suddenly appeared - with all those lyrics full of hope, wisdom and beauty. That was the right medcine for me.
Then I did not pass entrance exams to University which hit me really hard. Everything went bad and I was already about trying to kill myself again. And again there was the album with great music and lyrics. I owe to this album so much that no one of You can imagine... It saved my life many times.

Then came second era. The era of NTSMS. I opened this forum by error. What kind of error was that?  :ninja:
I decided to register and I had now idea which end will that all take... This my first year at the forum (ok not full 12 months...) and I hope it won't be my last.
I met here great people. I could call You "friends" since the beginning but in the course of time the word friend got another dimension... My life turned much more happier and content.
I find here people who can no one never erase from my heart. With Lucy in the first row. There's no day on which I haven't been thinking about her. And all of You, of course.
Then I went Budapest where I met some of You in real and also experienced my first Therion show.
I have written many times that the stay in Budapest was the best time ever in my life. Everytime I retrospect I am almost crying - because I am so happy that I was there and the memoirs are so nice and also because I am sad that the time ended already.

I got a gift from my Destiny (or whatever You call it) - to have a chance to be here with You. All of You  also gave me lots of gifts and You even don't know about them probably. It was always You stayed on my side, trying to cheer me up... saying nice words and being kind to others, which always makes me happy to see that.

I also got a chance to feel love. I almost forgot how's that - to love someone.

And some things out of NTSMS? After very long time I found a part time job by Swarovski company. It's quite well paid and I think I like it.
I also get on well with my ex-girlfriend again. We "built" a wonderful friendship.

Many things happend and many things had changed in my mind this year.

I believe that next year will be full of these positive changes again. I need to grow.
And there are some very beautiful moments waiting for me in year 2008, my dear Notessomes...

Thanks for everything.
But then again, who does.

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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2007, 07:44:57 pm »
So well, this year has been a pretty successful one for me. I have very few (minor!) minuses to it.
I don't even know what to start with... I guess I'll go with school. I passed the 8th grade with all sorts of awards being top of the class in a huge amount of subjects, but it seems that since this school year started, all that glory is fading away, since I struggled to obtain more than just "good" grades. Hopefully, the second semester of 9th Grade will turn out positively, I'm almost 100% sure I'll pass, but I don't know if I'll get better grades than this last year.

It's almost been my second year in NTSMS, and I have made it an even bigger part of my life than what it was a year ago. This all because of great people like Lucy, Elizabeth, Markus, Pragensia and Triocton. I loved working on our official t-shirts, and I wear mine every once in a while.
Although, I do regret not being able to go to any of the NTSMS meetings. But what kept me from going were factors beyond my control, but hopefully next year or in 2009 (or 2010, or whenever Therion tours once more!) we'll meet!

Musically, I've progressed a lot, from barely being able to play the bass (and not having one!) to me currently, in the school band, starting to get notes by ear all on my own, learning complicated songs and understanding a bit of musical theory.

It's been a successful year, and I think that I wouldn't like to repeat it, but to continue and see what the future has waiting for me. :biggrin:
Happy New Year folks, and may your wishes and desires come true!
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2007, 07:52:59 pm »
I loved working on our official t-shirts, and I wear mine every once in a while.
Although, I do regret not being able to go to any of the NTSMS meetings. But what kept me from going were factors beyond my control, but hopefully next year or in 2009 (or 2010, or whenever Therion tours once more!) we'll meet!

I think I forgot to mention that Xiquet and I were wearing the Official "NTSMS Goes London" T-shirt in the concert. A bad thing that we didn't ask for any picture, so you'll have to believe me  :nosweat: Someday I'll make a picture of the two T-shirts  :thumbup:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2007, 08:50:26 pm »
I loved working on our official t-shirts, and I wear mine every once in a while.
Although, I do regret not being able to go to any of the NTSMS meetings. But what kept me from going were factors beyond my control, but hopefully next year or in 2009 (or 2010, or whenever Therion tours once more!) we'll meet!

I think I forgot to mention that Xiquet and I were wearing the Official "NTSMS Goes London" T-shirt in the concert. A bad thing that we didn't ask for any picture, so you'll have to believe me  :nosweat: Someday I'll make a picture of the two T-shirts  :thumbup:
Can you print a copy of it for me, please? :biggrin:
Oh, and forgot to mention for my year:
Worst Valentine's Day ever, but most of you already know the story of me, the poem, the locker and the girl. :fish:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2008, 09:18:10 pm »
Well, for me last year passed by so quickly that I can't actually say whether it was good or bad... I'm still not aware it has passed...
but I can say one great thing that happened last year  :biggrin:

- I met Offy and Deathy and another girl from the official Therion forum who is not active on this one, and I'm so glad I did...  :yeha: cuz they're wonderful people and... yeah...  :thumbup:  :)


However, I made no decisions for this year...maybe I should have...maybe I should...but I actually have no idea what to decide...maybe I could decide to learn a bit more since I've been pretty lazy lately..not that my grades are bad, they're far from that, but if I keep it like this...  :wacko:

anyways, I hope this year won't be bad and I also hope some nice things will start happening to me...  :nosweat:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 09:20:55 pm by Mystique »
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2008, 09:40:09 pm »
Well, for me last year passed by so quickly that I can't actually say whether it was good or bad...

Be prepared that every year is to pass by more and more quickly! :ninja: That's because your brain "estimates" the length of the current year relatively, by subconsciously comparing it with the length of all years you've lived through... i.e. with the length of yor life! ;)
I remember when I was in the kindergarten and when somebody would told me "Next year..." I was like "Next year!? :o That will NEVER happen...". :biggrin: And today "next year" means that I should already start planning that... :-\ :afaid: :ninja: :sofa:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2008, 10:12:10 pm »
I spent most of this year doing what I do: work and study, nothing new! Practically just enjoying my normal stable life :)

But from the month of June everthing changed with my gradmas illness, which culminated with her death in September. Wouldn`t like to repeat those terrible months :(

In the upcoming months I made another hard decision, but all for my goood eventhough it is hard to get used to a new life.

Next year I want to give myself another chance in some aspects of my life. Gonna work harder to get another job, want to dedicate more time to guitar and keep getting good grades at school :)

And who knows... :wub:  :biggrin:

So life really changed for me last year, but here I am, still alive and happy  :)

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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2008, 11:27:49 pm »
Hi Eresh,

I supposed you were very busy, as you were not by here very often. I didn't know actually what happened to your mother... I'm very sad. Really sorry to hear this.

I'm happy you're better now. Sure next year will be better, and perhaps something new starts. You know you deserve it!  :wink2:
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Re: Memories of the year 2007.
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2008, 04:24:57 pm »
Thank you Luthy! Very sweet of you  ^_^