Author Topic: No metal bands performing in Poland?  (Read 12206 times)

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Offline Persephone

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No metal bands performing in Poland?
« on: July 27, 2007, 02:45:56 pm »
Michal Stangret of Poland's Metro reports that a Polish anti-sect organization calling itself the All-Polish Committee for Defence against Sects has compiled a list of artists who allegedly "promote Satanism" through their music. The list, which will be distributed to various Polish officials in July, will likely result in the artists becoming registered and getting banned from performing in Poland.

"Until now it has been unclear which bands promote these values, and therefore the authorities, unaware of thCommittee for Defence against Sectse facts, have allowed these kinds of concerts to be organized, in the process giving these bands a platform from which they could spread their dangerous message. So we decided to help them," explained Ryszard Nowak, who heads the All-Polish Committee for Defence against Sects.

According to Nowak, hundreds of bands who have performed in Poland over the course of the last 20 years have been evaluated before the final list was compiled. Just exactly which artists will be included? The document's creators are unwilling to reveal that information just yet but it is almost certain that Polish acts BEHEMOTH and KAT, as well as American shock-rocker MARILYN MANSON, will make the cut.

Today I bought one of Czech rock magazines and read this... This is absolute terrible!
Does someone of Polish NTSMS members know more about the problem?
(Committee for Defence against Sects? WTF? I guess that Ordo Draconis doesn't have easy way how to stay "alive" in Poland... And what about Therion and the list? What if ....? - I rather don't want to write the image which appears in my mind...)
But then again, who does.

Offline VladH

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 02:53:35 pm »
There is such list. But nobody wants to listen this guy. Maybe our governement yes, but even church don't want to have anything in common with him as he makes more bad than good things (and has many problems because of some beliefes, data stealing, lies in his publications etc. etc.). It's normal that in each country you can find such person. But in ours he is more visible. He protested before almost each big live show in Poland but he has problems with protest actions against him. Don;t worry. Probably everything will be ok as usual :)
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Offline Persephone

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 02:58:14 pm »
Uuuuuuffff  :wOOt:

My heart is beating again...
But then again, who does.

Offline Agnes

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 10:12:50 am »
I'm also polish member here and when I read it I was really angry at Nowak..he wants to cancel every metal festival or just a concert in bigger cities. His stupid, yes stupid! ideas won't turn into reality, I hope.

if Nowak and *his group* add Therion to this blacklist, I'm really shocked that they haven't done it earlier, I will...I don't know what I will do but I know it will be sth spectacular and showing me against Nowak & Committee decisions.

Offline Persephone

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2007, 11:41:04 am »
Even Vlad calmed me down, I was still thinking about it... and because I was at administrative hight school (law and other things..) I got to this result - it's easy...

If Poland has accepted (better - set it to constitution) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no stupid Committee and state officials can't forbid some musicians, bands... to perform in Poland. Because if they do it - there's a problem with violation of Article 18 and Article 19.
This two articles of course can be restricted - but only in extremely weighty circumstances.

For example - if the band directly cause murders, disorders and so on... Or in cases when the country is in war and so...

So if Poland has accepted UDHR and will violate 18. and 19. Article they are violating international law and it means problems with International Court in Strasbourg.

Of course - I don't know if Poland has UDHR  ???

Honori invicem
But then again, who does.

Offline Agnes

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2007, 10:58:18 am »
it's in polish so only to VladH...sprawdz to ;),50145,4429811.html

padłam :D

Offline VladH

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2007, 08:56:34 am »
Yeah I know  :evil2:

He is the servant of devil and he even don't see this....
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Offline TheOFFman

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Re: No metal bands performing in Poland?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2007, 10:44:11 pm »
That reminds me of Jack Thompson. If you haven't heard of him I tell you who he is.  :)I think I should quote wiki: Thompson describes himself as a Christian conservative and a Republican.  He is perhaps the most vocal advocate of banning stylized violence in video games, and initially started this crusade in 1997 while representing the parents of the 3 students killed in the Heath High School shooting.

So what ever happens in USA he is blaming games. That ignorant man is extremely annoying. It's good that not many people take him seriously. He tried to blame computer games for that massacre what recently happened in USA.

More from wiki: Thompson has heavily criticized a number of video games and campaigned against their producers and distributors. His basic argument is that violent video games have repeatedly been used by teenagers as “murder simulators” to rehearse violent plans. He has pointed to alleged connections between such games and a number of school massacres.

Pardon me but that is pure crap. I just wanted to say that there will alway be people like that but it is fine because nobody pays attention to them, at least not the majority.