Of course I play all Diablo games (1, 2, 3) - I remember Diablo 1 at home

I became very lucky to buy about 6-7 years ago an original brand new cd with Diablo 1, now it's unavailable to buy even SH.
Lately I play Magic: The Gathering - Shandalar (game version from 1997


Yeaaaars ago we also had (except Amiga 500, Pegasus (Contra, Tanks, SMB3) Sega - Remember Sonic The Hedgehog?

Super Mario Bros 3:
Also, for maaaaany years (to be honest I don't remember how many) I love Jazz Jackrabbit 2 series.
Once, I got a box with Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Christmas Chronicles on x-mass

but the first game I felt in love is Superfrog:

Oh, talking about Amiga 500, I remember a nice racing game - Lotus Turbo Challenge 2