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Recent Purchases
Well, there was a topic about this already.
But I can't find it. :ninja:
And do you know why I can't find it?
Because I fucking-well deleted it. :tomat:
By accident.
So anyway, Recent Purchases:
Venom - Black Metal (remastered edition, hmmm I need to replace my old vinyl copy of At War With Satan too)
Turisas - The Varangian Way (listening to it right now - it'll take a few listens to appreciate, it's not as instant as the debut)
Ensiferum - Victory Songs (not listened to it yet)
EDIT: Just ordered At War With Satan by Venom - can't wait to destroy the world with this re-mastered version!
--- Quote from: Sirius13 on May 29, 2007, 08:45:22 pm ---Because I fucking-well deleted it. :tomat:
--- End quote ---
Huh? can you delete topics? it doesn't matter, you deserve a big :fish: anyways ^_^
Anyways, I recently got Belphegor's Pestapokalypse VI! <----Buy it.
--- Quote from: Ereshkigal on May 29, 2007, 09:12:26 pm ---Huh? can you delete topics? it doesn't matter, you deserve a big :fish: anyways ^_^
--- End quote ---
It was a topic I started, so I could delete it. Accidentally.
PS Thanx for the :fish:
I really needed that.
--- Quote from: Sirius13 on May 29, 2007, 09:28:31 pm ---PS Thanx for the :fish:
I really needed that.
--- End quote ---
Well, here you have anohter one: :fish:
Just in case... :whistle:
Oh!... and nope, I haven't bought anything since Rotting Christ --- Theogonia, but I'm waiting for the new (and already ordered) Sigh album.
Puts another axe in Sirius's head
I bought something deathy lately, but I still have't opened it, so the details are to follow.
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