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National news.

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All this is very interesting... :)

Well I'll tell you what is happening in my very little country....

First the media are focusing on this mother who killed her 5 children without any reasons some weeks ago after, she tryed to commit suicide :afaid: ( that's frightening and it touch me even more since I know that they were all from the school I used to go...even if I didn't know them) The story looks quite complex and we still don't know why she did that...

And Elections will be held soon too. So We will hear a lot about the racist party "Vlaams Belang" or "le Front National" ....because the Vlaams Belang will probably win again a lot of votes. This will rise questions like "Should we give more power to the regions etc" and general questions about federalism. and then after that I can predict that the french speaking politicians and the flemish ones will fight for stupid uninteresting things.  ¬¬

Except that , periodically they talk about all the illegal things the socialist party (french speaking party) has done for some years...
Or maybe about the funny drunk socialist Michel Daerden...There are funny videos about him on youtube, here are my favourites:   on this one, he comments his victory after the communal elections.  here again at a local TV with his son (also drunk)


--- Quote from: Tzar-0 on March 13, 2007, 10:09:50 pm ---Hi,
All this is very interesting... :)

Well I'll tell you what is happening in my very little country....

First the media are focusing on this mother who killed her 5 children without any reasons some weeks ago after, she tryed to commit suicide :afaid: ( that's frightening and it touch me even more since I know that they were all from the school I used to go...even if I didn't know them) The story looks quite complex and we still don't know why she did that...

And Elections will be held soon too. So We will hear a lot about the racist party "Vlaams Belang" or "le Front National" ....because the Vlaams Belang will probably win again a lot of votes. This will rise questions like "Should we give more power to the regions etc" and general questions about federalism. and then after that I can predict that the french speaking politicians and the flemish ones will fight for stupid uninteresting things.  ¬¬

Except that , periodically they talk about all the illegal things the socialist party (french speaking party) has done for some years...
Or maybe about the funny drunk socialist Michel Daerden...There are funny videos about him on youtube, here are my favourites:   on this one, he comments his victory after the communal elections.  here again at a local TV with his son (also drunk)

--- End quote ---

And his little country his... *drums*

yo yo yo :P

And his little country his... *drums*

=> profile  :tongue:

but if you're too lazy...I'm from Belgium  :wink2:


  Well, G W Bush is here in mexico so i think it would be interesting to post something about it ...

President Bush sought to soothe strained ties with Mexico on Tuesday by promising to prod Congress to overhaul tough U.S. immigration policies. But Mexican President Felipe Calderon criticized U.S. plans for a 700-mile border fence and said Bush must do more to curb American drug appetites.

'We need the collaboration and the active participation of our neighbor,' Calderon said.

Bush and Calderon _ both pro-business conservatives _ acknowledged their differences and vowed to work together.

Calderon said it was time for a fresh start to 'direct our relationship toward a path of mutual prosperity.'

'Geography has made our countries neighbors, but the choice we've made for each other is a choice for freedom,' said Bush. 'And that choice has made us friends.'

'In the debate on migration, I remind my fellow citizens that family values do not stop at the Rio Grande River, that there are decent, hardworking honorable citizens of Mexico who want to make a living for their families,' Bush said as he stood beside Calderon. 'And so, Mr. President, my pledge to you and your government _ but, more importantly, the people of Mexico _ is I will work as hard as I possibly can to pass comprehensive immigration reform.'

There... bolloks if you ask me hehe.

yo yo yo

Hi there,

the main topic in Germany today is the electricity market. The four biggest companies have been accused of manipulating the prices.




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