After seeing what happened in Therion chat, I think that all is wrong. Impossible to be more crazy. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E!!!
[20:26:52] * Manolo sacrifices Eresh and invokes a goat
[20:27:24] * Iza sacrifices Eresh and invokes Kingu
[20:27:57] <Manolo> :-/ Eresh said she won't be here untill monday
[20:28:01] * Luth sacrifices Manolo and Iza and invokes herself
[20:28:07] <Manolo> I need her for some advice...
[20:28:11] <Iza> yep so we can sacrifices her
[20:28:40] * Iza sacrifices Luth and invokes Muth
[20:28:42] <Iza> :Pp
[20:28:51] * Luth is now known as Muth
[20:28:58] <Muth> IZZZZA
[20:28:58] <Iza> ahah
[20:28:59] <Iza> lol
[20:29:04] <Muth> what do you want of meeeeee??!
[20:29:27] <Iza> i wanted you to take one more nick for the stats
[20:29:58] <Iza> oops that doesn't work in the therion chat
[20:30:05] * Manolo is now known as Eresh
[20:30:08] * Muth is now known as MuthTheGreat
[20:30:18] <MuthTheGreat> dooooone
[20:30:27] <Eresh> Hi Manolo, you were looking for me?
[20:30:34] * Eresh is now known as Manolo
[20:30:35] <Manolo> yes, actually I was
[20:30:48] <Iza> lol
[20:30:54] <Manolo> so Eresh, where have you been
[20:30:58] * Manolo is now known as Eresh
[20:31:17] * MuthTheGreat is now known as Luth
[20:31:19] * Iza is now known as Ereshkigal
[20:31:23] <Eresh> just around... you know... when you work in the black market things aren't easy
[20:31:31] * Eresh is now known as Manolo
[20:31:42] * Ereshkigal is now known as Eresh
[20:31:49] <Eresh> hihi
[20:31:59] <Eresh> umbranet asked me a password
[20:31:59] <Manolo> ok, now this is getting really confusing
[20:32:07] <Manolo> :-B
[20:32:18] <Manolo> P-) <= Pirate face
[20:32:22] <Eresh> yep
[20:32:28] * Eresh is now known as Iza
[20:32:49] * Luth is now known as Izzie
[20:32:58] <Izzie> hi you
[20:33:04] <Iza> lol
[20:33:16] * Manolo is now known as Mats
[20:33:19] * Iza is now known as LuthGiantMosquitoes
[20:33:26] <Izzie> haha
[20:33:28] <Mats> :-o
[20:33:37] * LuthGiantMosquitoes is now known as ML
[20:33:37] * Izzie is now known as LuthGiantBee
[20:33:47] * LuthGiantBee bits ;L
[20:33:52] <LuthGiantBee> *ML
[20:34:15] <ML> hello guys
[20:34:15] <ML> hihi
[20:34:15] * Mats is now known as EreshKickAll
[20:34:15] * ML jumps on Luth and kick her
[20:34:16] <ML> :-p
[20:34:20] * EreshKickAll kicks all
[20:34:26] * ML is now known as Manolo
[20:34:37] <EreshKickAll> hey!
[20:34:42] <EreshKickAll> damm
[20:34:42] <EreshKickAll> I'm confused
[20:34:48] * LuthGiantBee bits all
[20:34:49] * Manolo kicks Luth and Manolo
[20:34:51] * EreshKickAll is now known as Aphrodite
[20:35:02] <Aphrodite> :-P
[20:35:02] * LuthGiantBee is now known as Zeus
[20:35:05] <Manolo> i'm confused too, i don't know who is who
[20:35:08] * Aphrodite is now known as God
[20:35:16] <Zeus> I'm more than God
[20:35:17] * Manolo is now known as Jesus
[20:35:17] <God> Thou shalt suffer my rage!
[20:35:28] * Zeus sends a lightening to God
[20:35:38] * God farts
[20:35:48] <God> woopsie
[20:35:52] <God> =P
[20:36:03] <Zeus> O.o
[20:36:07] * God is now known as Kristian
[20:36:18] <Kristian> B-)
[20:36:19] * Jesus is praying for your safety
[20:36:27] <Kristian> wazzup guys
[20:36:47] <Zeus> ey Kris, hi!
[20:36:57] * Zeus is now known as Christofer
[20:36:57] <Kristian> Eresh leaves and this becouse apocalypsis
[20:36:57] * Jesus is now known as Johann
[20:36:58] * Christofer is now known as Chris
[20:37:19] <Johann> hey my dear members friends
[20:37:22] <Johann> hihi
[20:37:25] <Kristian> yo guys, when are we going to practice?
[20:37:38] <Johann> no
[20:37:39] <Chris> better going to drink some beer
[20:37:44] <Johann> we are playing now in romania
[20:37:48] * Kristian takes off his tiny SotR tour guitar and starts rocking the hell out of it
[20:37:52] <Johann> having a lot of beers
[20:38:05] * Chris is now known as BeerSeller
[20:38:09] * Kristian cuts Chris' hair
[20:38:12] <BeerSeller> who wants beer?
[20:38:17] <Johann> i want !
[20:38:18] <BeerSeller> only 10 euros per tin
[20:38:33] * Kristian lights a joint
[20:38:44] * Johann is stealing all his beers
[20:38:45] <Kristian> yoooo dude... this is tha shit right here...
[20:38:51] * BeerSeller is now known as Police
[20:39:05] * Police jails Johann
[20:39:18] * Kristian flees to netherlands, where marihuana is legal
[20:39:20] <Police> now, you will play for me!
[20:39:41] * Police is now known as MarihuanaCigar
[20:39:46] <MarihuanaCigar> hi guys^^
[20:39:51] <Johann> no, i'm playing bass guitar right now
[20:40:09] <Kristian> yo guys, you know a place called Bolivia? that is tha place dude!
[20:40:15] <Kristian> (talking like the rapper in my avatar)
[20:40:17] <Johann> i'm playing in bucharest so you can't arrested me
[20:40:29] * MarihuanaCigar is now known as BucharestPolice
[20:40:33] <BucharestPolice> what are you saying?
[20:40:51] * Kristian is now known as Limecat
[20:40:58] <Limecat> meow
[20:41:03] * BucharestPolice jails the Limecat
[20:41:07] * Johann is now known as BigCat
[20:41:10] <BigCat> MEOW
[20:41:16] * BucharestPolice is now known as Tiger
[20:41:16] * Limecat spits a hairball in BucharestPolice's face
[20:41:22] * Limecat is now known as Lion
[20:41:26] <Lion> GROAR!!!
[20:41:34] * BigCat is now known as Mamouth
[20:41:35] * Tiger eats Lion
[20:41:41] <Mamouth> GROAAARRR
[20:41:48] * Lion is now known as Tiranosaurus
[20:41:55] * Mamouth is eating tiger and lion
[20:42:07] * Tiger is now known as Virus
[20:42:07] <Tiranosaurus> YAWNS!!!.....zzzZZZzzz...zzzZZZzzz...
[20:42:19] * Tiranosaurus is now known as Norton
[20:42:22] * Mamouth is now known as AIDS
[20:42:22] * Virus infects Tiranosaurus and Mamouth
[20:42:25] <Norton> =P
[20:42:34] <AIDS> :-P
[20:43:07] * Virus is now known as LastVirusNoNortonSave
[20:43:07] * Norton puts AIDS and Virus in quarantine
[20:43:28] <LastVirusNoNortonSave> Norton doesn't detects me!
[20:43:32] * Norton is now known as McAfee
[20:43:39] <LastVirusNoNortonSave> McAfee neither
[20:43:47] <AIDS> i'm not a computer virus
[20:43:51] * LastVirusNoNortonSave is now known as backup
[20:44:01] <backup> all dead
[20:44:26] * McAfee is now known as Neo
[20:44:27] * backup is now known as MentalDoctor
[20:44:36] <MentalDoctor> I have a lot of work here
[20:44:54] * MentalDoctor is now known as Me
[20:45:01] * Me is now known as MentalDoctor
[20:45:06] * Neo is now known as AgentSmith
[20:45:19] <AgentSmith> B-) Goodbye Mr. Anderson
[20:45:45] * AIDS is now known as Oracle
[20:45:49] * MentalDoctor is now known as Luth
[20:45:58] <Luth> Sorry, i cannot go so far
[20:46:04] * Oracle is now known as Iza
[20:46:06] * AgentSmith posseses the Oracle
[20:46:06] <Iza> me too
[20:46:19] <Luth> lo
[20:46:21] <Luth> lol
[20:46:21] * AgentSmith is now known as Izza
[20:46:26] <Izza> hey! that is my nick!
[20:46:33] <Luth> If Seph would have been here...
[20:46:37] <Luth> ALL KICKED!
[20:46:39] * Izza is now known as Iza_
[20:47:02] <Iza> yep ALL !!
[20:47:09] * Luth is now known as ALL
[20:47:13] <Iza> he already kicked me and Eresh yesterday
[20:47:19] <ALL> oh!
[20:47:20] * Iza is now known as EVERYBODY
[20:47:22] <ALL> explain, please
[20:47:36] <ALL> I like to know why Seph kick more people than me
[20:47:36] <EVERYBODY> for nothing, he just wanted to joke
[20:47:48] * Iza_ is now known as ManoloPhoneWithGF
[20:48:10] <EVERYBODY> Eresh spamed so i said KICK HER and he kicked her and me after
[20:48:15] <ALL> Franz, don't hide, show yourself!
[20:48:45] * ALL sacrifices Iza and invokes Franz
[20:48:50] * FranzBusy is now known as Cthulhu
[20:49:04] <ALL> :-S
[20:49:04] <Cthulhu> *GNARLL*
[20:49:15] * ALL is now known as PoorCat
[20:49:17] * Cthulhu is now known as CthulhuBusy
[20:49:18] <EVERYBODY> what a show
[20:49:18] <PoorCat> meow
[20:49:40] * EVERYBODY is now known as NiceCat
[20:49:44] * ManoloPhoneWithGF is now known as LittleKittie
[20:49:45] <NiceCat> meow, meow
[20:49:55] <PoorCat> my poll is too innocent... i have to change it!
[20:50:13] * PoorCat is now known as PoorLittleKittie
[20:50:17] <LittleKittie> yip
[20:50:21] <PoorLittleKittie> me-e-e-e-ow
[20:50:31] * NiceCat is now known as NiceLittleKittie
[20:50:39] <NiceLittleKittie> meeeeeeeeeeow meow
[20:50:53] <PoorLittleKittie> mee-ee-ow :'(
[20:51:10] * LittleKittie evolves into Pikachu
[20:51:15] * LittleKittie is now known as Pikachu
[20:51:32] * NiceLittleKittie is now known as Carapuce
[20:51:45] <Carapuce> i don't know how to say it in english
[20:52:03] <Carapuce> <-- the little turtle
[20:52:12] <PoorLittleKittie> i don't know who are you
[20:52:44] * PoorLittleKittie is now known as Luth
[20:52:48] <Carapuce> i don't know for you too
[20:53:05] <Luth> thanks info option!
[20:53:08] <Carapuce> with all these nicks, i don't know who is who, aaaahhhh
[20:53:26] * Carapuce is now known as Iza
[20:53:27] <Luth> I am me
[20:53:31] <Iza> i am me
[20:53:34] <Iza> hihi
[20:53:37] * Pikachu is now known as Franz
[20:53:43] <Luth> O.o
[20:53:43] <Franz> I am him
[20:53:48] <Luth> I see a kick soon
[20:53:55] * Franz is now known as Manolo
[20:53:55] <Iza> lol i see too
[20:53:59] <Manolo> O:-)
[20:54:19] <Luth> stats will become crazy today!
[20:54:37] <Iza> yep we all will have a 100 nicks
[20:56:53] <Iza> or today Luth had 23 nicks
[20:56:53] <Iza> and Iza 17 nicks
[20:56:53] <Iza> :-)