That's all I have to say.
Oh, and Snowy! Snowy was superb, as always. Thomas was fantastic, too. I was in the front lines, so there wasn't much room for maneuvering and, as first rows go, the sound was less than perfect, but I could hear the vocals clearly most of the time. Wisdom and the Cage was great and Siren of the Woods was... well... Tear-jerking. Unfortunately, I at one point exploited the sudden stillness of my Therion-comrades and started writing a message to my better half. Next thing I know, Thomas is on the floor, dead by the hand of our beautiful (and busty) Lori and I have no idea when this happened. Et tu, Lori?
Managed to get my ticket signed by everyone with the exception of Thomas Karlsson and Mr. Therion Himself. They didn't come down :\
Right, so, where can I buy tickets for the next show in Zagreb?