Author Topic: gone stark raving mad, but not in a cute, slightly arousing way like me  (Read 6081 times)

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Offline Nighthawk

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I have no idea how this happened, but I'd be much obliged if someone could help me out. I'm sure language changing is very simple, but I don't understand a word of Polish. Yes, I know this comes as a shock to you, but please don't judge me.

I really, really have no idea how this happened. If I didn't know better, and I don't, I'd say it was all a conspiracy led by the soulless minions of orthodoxy.

You know, it very easily could be.

Random clicking, the usually foolproof method of... methodically solving things, has proven to be an utter and total waste of time. Apart from those porn pop-ups I somehow managed to provoke. Those were fun.
Can't stop the signal.

Offline Agnes

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haha it is question to me ;) I know how you did it.
on the right,below the "main page" there is "Browse in:"

and there choose your language. propably you clicked  "polish"  unconsciously :)

Offline Nighthawk

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Well, a completely unnecessary and redundant topic, considering it was there all along in English. I never really thought of going all the way down, y'know.

Thanks, Agnes. The beer's on me.
Can't stop the signal.