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Offline Sirius13

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Re: Band Games
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2007, 09:41:19 pm »
Don't laugh at my usage of the word 'cute', or I shall smite thee with my mighty blade.
Hur, hur...  he said 'cute'!  :fish:

(prepares to be...  er..  smitten).

OK.. . so what you're saying is that essentially they've done a good new album (do you recommend it to us non-believers? Could it change our 'wondering' about this band's talents?)...  

And before that, you liked 'em a bit coz they hit that spot (no, not that spot, the cute metal one), but you also kind of see where we're coming from?

Dammit, so really you're also sitting with us waiting to hear from a die-hard fan to explain it too.  How good is this new album, then?

PS  I do like power metal if it's done to excess with loads of talent (e.g. Divinefire), or is ridiculously cheesy but honest (e.g. Powerwolf).  And if Lost Horizon count as Power Metal then they're probably my faves of the genre.  Just to be clear that I'm not out to bash the genre... it's just full of too many bland bands who wish they wrote Keeper Of The Seven Keys.  But didn't.
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Offline Sirius13

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Re: Band Games
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2007, 09:44:17 pm »
Man, I just cannot hold it any longer :roll:
...I'm fairly certain it's not being used in the same way that I find Vanessa Mae cute.


voces muy confusas entran en la mente!!!

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Band Games
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2007, 11:36:54 pm »
OK.. . so what you're saying is that essentially they've done a good new album (do you recommend it to us non-believers? Could it change our 'wondering' about this band's talents?)... 
Essentially... yes. I'd definitely recommend it to non-believers, because die hard Sonata fans can't stand the new album. They miss the tried and tested Stratovarius song structure.

And before that, you liked 'em a bit coz they hit that spot (no, not that spot, the cute metal one), but you also kind of see where we're coming from?
'xactly. I liked them, but couldn't listen to too much Sonata for the same reasons why you have a problem with them.

Dammit, so really you're also sitting with us waiting to hear from a die-hard fan to explain it too.
In a nutshell... yeah, actually, yeah, I am.

How good is this new album, then?
As I've said, I've gone from a casual listener to a... more intense listener. The quality is, fkors, in the ear of the listener, but objectively? The catchiness of the melodies is gone and the album demands attention before revealing its full worth. It's more mature, dark and complex than the earlier albums, although, as I've said, this is seen as a flaw in the general Sonata audience. They've shifted from generic speed power to a more proggish musical style and now sound like Dream Theater and Blind Guardian's lovechild. I'd recommend you at least give 'em a try. They've taken on a turn in their music evident in the last Guardian album (enough with Blind Guardian already, I'm starting to irritate myself) and Therion's Gothic Kabbalah - that small yet evident prog twist.

PS  I do like power metal if it's done to excess with loads of talent (e.g. Divinefire), or is ridiculously cheesy but honest (e.g. Powerwolf).  And if Lost Horizon count as Power Metal then they're probably my faves of the genre.  Just to be clear that I'm not out to bash the genre... it's just full of too many bland bands who wish they wrote Keeper Of The Seven Keys.  But didn't.
Yeah, Lost Horizon counts. And the part with the Keeper, very nicely said. Personally, I have a thing for Hansi Kürsch (no, Aluqak, nothing sexual here), so I'm a big Guardian fan - which is my strongest connection to power.

...I'm fairly certain it's not being used in the same way that I find Vanessa Mae cute.

Well, now...


No. Not in that way. The way you'd find a puppy cute.

Then again, if Aluqak finds *that* questionable... I'll start to question Aluqak.
Can't stop the signal.

Offline Sirius13

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Re: Band Games
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2007, 11:51:24 pm »
As I've said, I've gone from a casual listener to a... more intense listener. The quality is, fkors, in the ear of the listener, but objectively? The catchiness of the melodies is gone and the album demands attention before revealing its full worth. It's more mature, dark and complex than the earlier albums, although, as I've said, this is seen as a flaw in the general Sonata audience. They've shifted from generic speed power to a more proggish musical style and now sound like Dream Theater and Blind Guardian's lovechild. I'd recommend you at least give 'em a try.
Well, that's a fairly decent effort at persuasion - I won't write 'em off completely yet then - if this new album happens to fall into my hands I'll at least consider it.  Which is a damn sight more than I'd have done ten minutes ago!  :)

No. Not in that way. The way you'd find a puppy cute.
But I do find puppies cute in that way!   :disgust:  Which makes you one very sick boy!
voces muy confusas entran en la mente!!!

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Band Games
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2007, 10:16:42 am »
Well, that's a fairly decent effort at persuasion - I won't write 'em off completely yet then - if this new album happens to fall into my hands I'll at least consider it.  Which is a damn sight more than I'd have done ten minutes ago!  :)
Yay! Some good came out of me!

See? I'm not a *complete* failure. Ha! Take that, civilized world!

No. Not in that way. The way you'd find a puppy cute.
But I do find puppies cute in that way!
You... do?

And then *I'm* sick.

Which makes you one very sick boy!
Sickboy? You want me to pull out my Scottish accent?


Can't stop the signal.